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A detailed, current medical record can be an invaluable asset for patient evaluation. The patient's “old” medical records should be thoroughly reviewed at the time of admission to develop a “framework” for the current medical history and history of present illness (HPI). Often this information is vital in understanding the patient’s immediate condition.

A periodic review of the initial history and physical exam record is useful to remind the team members as well as to orient new team members concerning the patient’s current problems. Often it’s helpful to review the patient’s “active” problem list each day when making rounds.



When recording the history and physical, the physician should follow several rules:

1. Record all pertinent data.

2. Avoid extraneous data.

3. Use common terms.

4. Avoid nonstandard abbreviations.

5. Be objective.

6. Use diagrams or pictures when indicated.

All too often a review of the nurses’ notes is neglected. Such information allows the clinician to follow patient progress during the previous 24 hrs. period. Particular note should be made of the vital signs; blood pressure, pulse, body temperature and respirations.


1. 記錄所有相關資料。

2. 避免無關的資料。

3. 使用普通的術語。

4. 避免使用不標準的縮寫。

5. 要客觀。

6. 必要時可使用示意圖說明。


Also fluid intake and urine output is often recorded and should be noted and reported on rounds. As the team evaluates the patient each day on rounds, detailed patient information will promote a more rational approach to patient care. If the nurse records an unusually high or low BP or pulse, this should be re - checked by the physician.


Other important information sought from the nurses notes include any recorded incidents during the last 24 hrs, such as record of pain episodes, GI distress such as vomiting or diarrhea, febrile episodes or episodes of confusion. Since the nurse spends much more time at the patient's bedside than the physician, her monitoring and report of the patient's condition is extremely valuable and should never be overlooked. The nurse must be respected and treated with courtesy, as she is an integral member of the health care team who can often provide valuable information and provide invaluable assistance in care of the patient.

護理記錄可以提供的其他重要信息包括:過去24小 時內(nèi)記下的任何事件如疼痛的發(fā)作、胃腸道不適如嘔吐腹瀉、發(fā)熱或意識模糊發(fā)作。由于護士在病人床邊的時間比醫(yī)生更長,所以她們對病人的觀察和記錄具有非 常重要的價值,不應被忽視。應該尊重并禮貌地和護士相處,因為她們也是醫(yī)療小組中不可缺少的一員,常能在醫(yī)療服務中提供重要的信息和幫助。

In each patient’s medical chart, a “Problem List” should be recorded. This lists each problem separately for example, (1) Pneumonia, (2) CHF, (3) Hypertension. A progress note should be written for each “active” problem.

Detailed daily progress notes recorded in the patient's medical record are valuable for patient assessment. Such a record is helpful for consultants, attending physicians and nurses as it enables them to ascertain the patient’s progress. When writing progress notes, it's helpful to follow the SOAP format.



S = subjective -- This section usually includes a description of patient complaints and symptoms. These should be recorded in the patient’s own words.

O = objective -- This section records pertinent patient physical exam findings including vital signs as well as pertinent recent x- ray, lab and biopsy data. Avoid the notation “vital signs – stable”. A blood pressure of 100/60 in a patient with a history of hypertension may represent relative “hypotension” with significant hemodynamic consequences.

S = subjective主觀部分--這部分通常包括對病人主訴和癥狀的描述,應該用病人自己的語言來表達。

O = objective客觀部分--這部分記錄病人的體格檢查結果,包括生命體征,以及相關的最近的X線檢查、實驗室檢查和活檢資料。避免書寫“生命體征平穩(wěn)”。對一位有高血壓病史的病人來說,100/60的血壓就可能代表相對的“低血壓”,可能會導致嚴重的血流動力學后果。

A-- assessment --This section is often the most neglected in the progress note. However, it is perhaps the most important as decisions regarding selection of diagnostic test and treatment plans are based upon the assessment. A differential diagnosis should be included in this section for problems that have not been clearly elucidated.

P =plan--In this section is recorded the treatment plan including estimated length of treatment, and discharge plans.

A = assessment評估--這一部分在病程記錄中最常被忽略。然而這部分卻可能是最重要的,因為輔助檢查的選擇和治療方案的制訂;趯Σ∪说脑u估而作出。當有未明確的疾病情況時,這一部分應包括鑒別診斷。

P = plan計劃--這部分記錄治療計劃包括預計的治療時間和出院計劃。

Following is a sample progress note for a pneumonia patient:

S. Patient c/o cough productive of blood - streaked sputum. He denies any dyspnea.

O: Maximum temp. 38. 5, BP 90/60 R 24, pulse 100, 02 sat 91%

Lung auscultation – rt. mid-lung crackles posterior

Chest X-ray -- resolving rt. middle lobe infiltrate

Sputum and blood cultures -- pending



O:最高體溫38.5oC,BP 90/60,R 24,脈搏100,O2飽和度91%





1. RML pneumonia -- suspect possible bronchial obstruction from tumor


3. Nicotine dependence


1. Continue antibiotics -- Azithromycin and Ceftriaxone

2. Bronchoscopy tomorrow

3. Nicotine patch


1. 右中肺炎--可能由腫瘤阻塞支氣管引起

2. 慢性支氣管炎

3. 尼古丁依賴


1. 續(xù)用抗生素--阿奇霉素頭孢曲松

2. 明行支氣管鏡檢查

3. 尼古丁貼片

There should be a separate SOAP progress note for each “active” problem. An “active” problem is one that requires treatment during the current hospitalization. For example a patient may be admitted with CHF and GI bleeding. Each day both problems should be evaluated at the bedside reviewing the history, physical findings and recent lab data. These data should all be recorded in two separate progress notes addressing each specific problem.

對每個“活動”的問題都應有獨立的S()AP病程記錄。所謂“活動”的問題是指目前住院需要治療的問題。例如一位病人可能因為充血性心力衰竭和消化道出血住院。每天在床邊應通過回顧病史、體檢和最近的實驗室檢查資料來評估這兩個問題。應在兩個不同的病程記錄里記錄這些資料來說明每個問題。 醫(yī)學 全在.線提供

Progress notes must be current; not only should their date be recorded, but ideally the time of day recorded. Occasionally with critically ill patients, it will be necessary to record several progress notes during the same day. Recently, a medical student informed me that she observed a group of medical students busily writing progress notes in charts of patients that had been previously discharged two weeks prior. Such practice is not only useless, but may be “l(fā)egally” challenged in court. It is the attending physician’s responsibility to ensure that his junior staff record progress notes daily. The attending physician should review these notes regularly to ensure compliance.


Operative or procedure notes must also be written or dictated immediately post- op in order to allow ICU physicians or others involved in the patient's care to understand the surgical procedure and any possible intraoperative complications. They should include the following: 醫(yī).學 全,在.線,提供www.med126.com

l Date and time:

l Procedure done:

l Indications:


l 日期和時間:

l 所做的手術或操作:

l 適應證:

l Patient consent: Document that the indications, risks and alternative treatments were explained to the patient or responsible family member. Note that the patient was given a chance to ask questions and that the patient consented to the procedure in writing.

l Lab tests: Pertinent labs--protime- INR, PTT, CBC

l Anesthesia:

l Description of Procedure: Describe the procedure, including sterile prep, anesthesia method, patient position, devices used, anatomic location of procedure, and outcome.

l 病人的同意書:說明已把手術指征、風險和可選的其他治療方法向病人或負責的家屬講明。注意應給病人提問的機會,取得書面同意。

l 實驗室檢查:相關的如PT—INR、PTT、CBC

l 麻醉:

l 手術過程描述:描述手術過程,包括消毒、麻醉方式、病人體位、所用的器械、手術的解剖定位和結果。

The final progress note prior to discharge should be a “discharge note”. It should include:

l Date/time:

l Diagnoses:

l Treatment:

l Studies Performed:

l Discharge medications:

l Follow - up Arrangements: (6)

Within one week of discharge, a discharge summary should be prepared that includes the following information:

l Patient's name and medical record number:


l 日期和時間:

l 診斷:

l 治療:

l 做過的檢查:

l 出院帶藥:

l 隨訪計劃:


l 病人的姓名和病歷號碼:

l Date of admission:

l Date of discharge:

l Admitting diagnosis:

l Discharge diagnosis:

l Name of attending physician or team responsible for patient:

l Surgical or other procedures performed:

l Diagnostic tests performed:

l Brief history, pertinent physical exam and lab data:

l Hospital course:

l Patient’s condition at discharge:

l Discharge plan including follow- up appointment:

l Discharge medications:

l Problem list including all active and past problems:

l 入院日期:

l 出院日期:

l 入院診斷:

l 出院診斷:

l 主診醫(yī)生姓名或負責醫(yī)療小組名字:

l 做過的外科手術或操作:

l 做過的檢查:

l 簡短病史、相關體檢和實驗室資料:

l 住院過程:

l 病人出院時的身體狀況:

l 出院計劃包括隨訪安排:

l 出院帶藥:

l 所有當前和既往疾病的列表:

The discharge summary is extremely valuable for follow – up care both to the physician who will see the patient in the outpatient clinic and the admitting team who may admit the patient in the future.


When a patient is re - admitted, the old chart should be immediately obtained from the medical records dept. even while the patient is still in the E. IL A procedure and policy must be implemented by the hospital administration that allows access to medical records even during the evening and night. The value of an old chart and especially prior discharge summaries cannot be overemphasized. Often the clue to the patient's current diagnosis may be related to prior illnesses recorded in the old chart. The old chart should accompany the patient from the ER to the patient ward where he's admitted. Each physician or consultant involved in the patient's care must review the old chart taking special note of the discharge summary. The prior medical record is also valuable for comparison of current data with previous data; for example an old EKG that remains unchanged may help to rule out an acute myocardial infarction. Special note should be made of prior drug reactions and complications associated with procedures.

當 病人再次入院時,應能立即從病案室調(diào)取舊病歷,即使病人尚在急診室。醫(yī)院管理部門應建立一種程序和政策保證夜間也能獲得病歷。舊病歷尤其是既往的出院小結 的價值無論怎么強調(diào)都不過分。病人目前的診斷常常與舊病歷中記錄的既往疾病相關。舊病歷應伴著病人從急診室送人病房。參與病人診療過程的每位醫(yī)生都應回顧 舊病歷尤其是出院小結。舊病歷對于比較現(xiàn)在的資料與過去的資料也有參考價值,比如此次EKG與既往相同可除外急性心肌梗死。還應特別注意既往藥物反應和手術伴隨的并發(fā)癥。

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