Significant Points of the Stomach Channel of Foot-Yangming
天樞(胃經(jīng)25) Tianshu(ST25).
穴義 天,天空;樞,樞紐。
Tian, heaven; shu, pivot.
定位 臍旁2寸。
Location 2 cun lateral to the centre of the umbilicus.
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主治 1、為腸病要穴,治腹痛,腹瀉,便秘,痢疾,闌尾炎等。
Indication 1. Main point for the diseases of the intestines, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, dysentery, appendicitis, etc.
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針法 1、直刺,針尖亦可稍向正中線斜刺1-1.5寸。
Method 1. Puncture perpendicularly. The needle tip may be slightly in the direction of the middle 1-1.5 cun.
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備考 大腸募穴、止瀉要穴、孕婦不灸。
Remarks Front-Mu Point of the Large Intestine Main point for antidysentery contraindicated moxibustion during pregnancy. |