《靈樞·經(jīng)脈》:心手少陰之脈,起于心中,出屬心系下膈,絡(luò)小腸。 其支者:從心系,上挾咽,系目系。 其直者:復(fù)從心系,卻上肺,下出腋下,下循臑內(nèi)后廉,行太陰、心主之后,下肘內(nèi),循臂內(nèi)后廉,抵掌后銳骨之端,入掌內(nèi)后廉,循小指之內(nèi),出其端。
The Chapter "Discussion on the Meridian" in Miraculous Pivot says: the Heart Meridian originates from the heart, spreads over the heart system. It goes down through the diaphragm to connect with the small intestine. The ascending portion of the meridian from the heart system runs along side the eaophagus to connect with the eye system. The straight portion of the meridian from the heart system goes upward to the lung, then it runs out from the axilla, it goes along the posterior border of the medial aspect of the upper arm behind the Lung Meridian and Pericardium Meridian, it runs downward the medial aspect ot the elblow and descends along the posterior border of the medial aspect of the forearm to the pisiform region proximal to the palm and enters the palm, it follows the medial aspect of the little finger to its tip.醫(yī).學(xué) 全在.線,提供www.med126.com