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護理學基礎考核辦法階段測試題:測試題三:◎<測試題三>※<測試題三>南華大學護理學院《護理學基礎》測試題三一、Select the best answer for each of the following questions. (one point per question, thirty points in total)1. The humidity of between 55% and 65% is used for which



一、Select the best answer for each of the following questions. (one point per question, thirty points in total)


1. The humidity of between 55% and 65% is used for which of the following patients:

A. the respirator執(zhí)業(yè)藥師y infection and children B. the aged

C. women D. suffering from an allergy to mold  

2. It is wise for a nurse to air the room during times

A. in the morning  B. in the afternoon    C. in the evening 

D. when patients are out of their rooms for diagnostic or therapeutic procedures  

3. In bedmaking nursing activities, a nurse always keeps:

A. the back straight   B. the back bent   C. the hips bent   D. A and C

4. About 75% of elderly people have lost all their own teeth:

A. by age 60    B. by age 65   C. by age 70   D. by age 75

5. The use of fluoride is known to:

A. prevent dental caries    B. eliminate tooth decay  

C. prevent mouth infection     D. eliminate mouth infection

6. Which of the following patients should have a shampoo?

A. the patients with weak or very tired    B. the patients with a respiratory infection 

C. the patients with a very greasy or dirty hair  D. the patients with a fever

7. Deep decubitus ulcers are mainly caused by:

A. immobility   B. friction C. shearing forces   D. malnutrition

8. The normal respiratory rate in adults is considered to be

A.  1 to 6 breaths per minute   B. 16 to 20 breaths per minute

C. 60 to 80 breaths per minute    D. 100 to 120 breaths per minute

9. A client has a blood pressure reading of 130/90 when visiting a clinic. The nurse would recommend

A.  follow-up measurements of blood pressure

B.  immediate treatment by a physician

C.  nothing, because the nurse considers this reading is due to anxiety

D.  a change in diet and exercise

10. Which type of fever is usually occurs in pneumococcus pneumonitis:

A. continued fever   B. remittent fever  

C. intermittent fever     D. irregular fever

11. Which of the following descriptions belongs to abnormal pulse rhythm?

A. intermittent pulse B. absent pulse  

C. thready pulse  D. weak pulse

12. When one person thrills, which of the following descriptions is right?

A. systolic pressure has no instinct change, diastolic pressure rises

B. systolic pressure rises, diastolic pressure has no instinct change

C. both rise  D. both have no change

13. Which of the following comments on the definition of pain is not right?

A. pain is a highly unpleasant and very personal sensation that cannot be shared with others 

B. pain is an important sign that there is something physiologically wrong  

C. the mechanism of pain is clear

D. pain is usually accompanied by other bodily sensations such as pressure, heat, or perhaps cold 

14. Which the following tissues have no pain receptors:

A. the skin  B. the alveoli of the lungs 

C. the arterial walls D. the periosteum

15. Analgesics are more effective when given:

A. before 30 minutes the patient feels severe pain   

B. just when the patient feels severe pain   

C. before 10 minutes the patient feels severe pain    D. after the pain is severe 

16. Nerve blocks are not used for:

A. the pain of whiplash injury  B. low back disorders, bursitis, and cancer 

C. psychogenic pain    D. during dental work

17. Which of the following processes is not partially subject to voluntary control?

A. muscle tension   B. heart beat and blood flow C. temperature   D. pain 

18. The most common cycle is:

A. the circadian rhythm, a 1-day cycle   B. the infradian rhythm, a monthly cycle

C. the ultradian rhythm, consisting of cycles completed in minutes or hours

D. all of the above

19. Each sleep cycle lasts about

A. 70 minutes   B. 80 minutes  C. 90 minutes    D. 100 minutes

20. If the sleeper is very tired, REM cycles are often

A. short    B. long C. unchanged  D. short or long

21. The periodic cessation of breathing during sleep is called:

A. parasomnias B. sleep apnea C. hypersomnia   D. narcolepsy

22. Sudden infant death syndrome often occurs in:

A. infants of 1 to 2 months   B. infants of 2 to 4 months 

C. in infants of 4 to 6 months    D. infants of 6 to 8 months

23. Body movement dose not involve:

A. stretching exercises B. aerobic exercise

C. isokinetic exercise  D. strength and endurance exercises

24. Risks related to exercises do not include:

A. precipitating a cardiac event    B. orthopedic discomfort

C. weight gain  D. disability


25. The followingwww.med126.com factors effect heat and cold therapy are true except:

A. area B. time   C. temperature   D. psychology

26. Which of the following descriptions is not true?

A. both cold and warmth receptors lie close to the surface of the skin.

B. the cold receptors are more plentiful than the warmth receptors.

C. there are more warmth receptors on the forehead.

D. thermal signals are picked up by the warmth or cold receptors and transmitted along the sensory nervous to the central nerves system.

27. A sitz bath is a method of providing moist heat to:

A. an acute infectious area   B. large body areas

C. a small body area     D. the pelvic area

28. Which of the following person can use a hot water bag with 60-70℃ water is:

A. the unconscious B. a patient with diarrhea C. paralytic D. infant

29. Risks related to exercises do not include:

A. precipitating a cardiac event  B. orthopedic discomfort

C. weight gain   D. disability

30. The trendelenburg position is not used for:

A. circulatory shock  B. drainage of pulmonary secretion

C. bronchial asthma  D. premature rupture of membranes

二、多選題 (每題1分,共10分)

1.四人搬運法適用于( )

A.兒科病人   B.頸椎骨折病人  C.不能起床,病情輕但肥胖病

D.輸液或?qū)虿∪?nbsp;  E.病情危重病人

2.肛門部位的檢查可采用( )

A.屈膝  B.側(cè)臥位 C.俯臥位  

D.截石位   E.膝胸位

3.嚴格執(zhí)行無菌操作的主要目的是( )

A.保證病人安全   B.防止自身感染   C.保證無菌物品不被污染

D.保證操作有序進行  E.防止微生物侵入人體

4.保養(yǎng)搪瓷類物品應注意避免( )

A.燃燒消毒   B.強酸強堿的接觸   C.粗糙物摩擦  

D.驟冷驟熱   E.碰撞脫瓷


5.無菌持物鉗只限用于( )

A.取無菌凡士林紗布   B.取乙醇棉球   C.換藥  

D.取無菌針頭   E.消毒皮膚

6.劉先生,背部燒傷,需俯臥,在制定護理計劃時,應考慮有發(fā)生壓瘡的潛在危險( )

A.足跟  B.肩胛骨   C.胸肋部、膝部

D.髂前上棘    E.踝部

7.高熱持續(xù)期的臨床表現(xiàn)是( )

A.體溫值在較高水平   B.顏面潮紅,口干舌燥   C.皮膚灼熱出汗多

D.尿少色深  E.呼吸快,脈搏細弱

8.關于脈搏生理性變化錯誤的是( )

A.幼兒比成人快 B.男性比女性快   C.老年人比幼兒快

D.站立較臥位快 E.運動和情緒激動是增快

9.可用冷療的病人是( )

A.肘關節(jié)挫傷5天    B.鼻出血   C.左小腿慢性炎癥

D.下肢淺靜脈炎   E.中暑高熱

10.面部危險三角區(qū)感染時用熱敷療法,可導致( )

A.細菌毒素易進入血液循環(huán)    B.疼痛加劇   C.炎癥擴散

D.顱內(nèi)感染   E.敗血癥

三、名詞解釋 (每題2分,共10分)


2.Biot’s respiration

3.Pressure sores



四、填空題 (每空0.5分,共10分)

1.最常見的機械性損傷是   。


3.醫(yī)院診療器械按污染后可造成的危害程度和在人體接觸部位的不同分為   、   。


4.根據(jù)壓瘡發(fā)展過程和輕重程度,可分為   期、   期、 期。

5.睡眠具有 兩種不同的時相狀態(tài)。

6.脈壓差增大常見于   、   ;脈壓差減小常見于  、 

7.根據(jù)灌腸的目的可分為  。

8.膀胱高度膨脹的病人,第一次放尿不應超過   ml,否則會導致    。

五、問答題 (每題6分,共18分)




六、綜合分析題 (第一題10分,第二題12分,共22分)



⑴ 灌腸的目的是什么?

⑵ 選用何種溶液?量及溫度是多少?

⑶ 灌腸時應注意哪些?


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