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護理學基礎作業(yè)習題單元測試題:測試題五:◎Unit 5一.Select the best answer for each of the following questions.1. Which of the following is not the functions of hospice care :A. relieving symptoms B. providing psychological an
 <Unit 5> 
 ※<Unit 5>

Unit 5


一.Select the best answer for each of the following questions.

1. Which of the following is not the functions of hospice care :

A. relieving symptoms   B. providing psychological and social support for the patient and family  

C. providing the terminally ill patient comfort, and dignity   D.curing the disease

2. Hospice care is usually provided to:

A. a terminally ill patient   B.the aged people   C. the handicapped   D. adult

3. Which of the following about the dying person’s bill of rights is not true:

A.The patient has the right to be treated as a living human being until he dies.

B.The patient has the right to express my feelings and emotions about my approaching death in my own way. 

C. The patient should stand to be deceived if necessary. 

D.The patient has the right to be free from pain and die in peace and dignity.

4. To provide respiratory care, a conscious dying client should be positioned in:

A.semiprone position B. Semi-Fowler’s position  

C.lateral position   D.orthopneic position

5. Who can never take verbal or telephone orders:

A. a charge nurse   B. a nursing student  

C. a Licensed Practical Nurse   D. registered nurse

6. “Demerol 100 mg im q4h. × 5 days” is:

A. the standing order B. the stat order C. the s.o.s order D. the p.r.n, order.

7. A s.o.s order is effective: 

A. in 12 hours  B. when necessary   D. in 24 hours, which is used when necessary.

8. “Demerol 100 mg IM stat” indicate that 100 mg Demerol must be administered usually in

A. 10 min   B. 15min   C. 20min   D. 30min

二. Multiple choices

1. The hospice philosophy includes:

A.affirming life

B.promoting self-determination, as patients and families participate in their plan of care C.providing education to help patients and families provide appropriate care  

D.promoting understanding and accepting that the journey of life eventually leads to death, and encourages people to view this experience as an opportunity for growth 

E.emphasizing palliation, which includes physical, psychological and spiritual comfort delivered by multidisciplinary staff.

2. The five stages of dying include:

A.denial and isolation  B.anger  C.bargaining  D.depression   E.acceptance.

3. To solve the problems with elimination of a dying client, which of the following should do: 

A. Absorbent pads or a nearby bedpan may be used.

B. Laxatives or enemas may be used for rgydjdsj.org.cn/shiti/elieving constipation.

C.Decreasing food or fluid intake.

D.Catheterization may be required for urinary retention.

E.Bed linens should be changed often.

4.Traditional patient charts generally have :

A. admission sheet and face sheet   B. physician’s order sheet  

C. history sheet   D. nurses’ notes  

E. other special reports and records.

5. Nurses’ notes contain the following kinds of information:

A. assessment of the patient   B. nursing interventions initiated by the nurses and the physician

C. eEvaluation of the effectiveness of nursing interventions

D. specific treatments carried out by the physician 

E. visits by membgydjdsj.org.cn/Article/ers of the health team


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