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例如:Government should take measure to solve problem.

[改]Governments should take measures to solve problems.



例如:Reduce the use of private cars can improve the air quality effectively.

[改]Reducing the use of private cars can improve the air quality effectively.


例如:Greater efficiency in water use is need to meet the growing demands of a changing world.

[改錯(cuò)]Greater efficiency in water use is needed to meet the growing demands of a changing world.


例如:The problems that are created by environmental contamination is very hard to solve.

[改]The problems that are created by environmental contamination are very hard to solve.


例如:A great number of people are like playing basketball.

[改]A great number of people like playing basketball.


例如:In present-day society, cultures were becoming very similar.

[改]In present-day society, cultures are becoming very similar.

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