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解題要點:本題的難度較小, 很容易辨析, 在原文與選項的對比之后發(fā)現(xiàn)tools 再次出現(xiàn),difficult, dangerous是dangerous, boring,burdensome, or just plain nasty的同義替換, 也就是換個方式把原文的意思重新表達一次, 很明顯為正確選項.

2: The word "gizmos" (line 1, paragraph 2)most probably means ________.


原文定位:As a result, the modern world isincreasingly populated by intelligent gizmos whose presence we barely noticebut whose universal existence has removed much human labor.

解題要點:從題型來看, 這屬于典型的詞匯題, 而詞匯題的做題關(guān)鍵則是在原文的上下文中找出相應(yīng)的近義詞, 同義詞和反義詞之類, 也可以使同義表達醫(yī),學(xué)全,在線.搜集.整理gydjdsj.org.cn.從后面定語從句來看,重點是remove human labor. 再從后面的幾個例子中,factory,banking, subway train幾個東西都是工具,得出答案。

3:題:According to the text, what is beyond man's ability now is to designa robot that can __

正確答案D:respondindependently to a changing world

原文定位:"While we know how to tella robot to handle a specific error," says Dave Lavery, manager of arobotics program at NASA, "we can't yet give a robot enough 'common sense'to reliably interact with a dynamic world."

答題要點:reliably interact with a dynamicworld是文章中的respond independently to a changing world同義轉(zhuǎn)化,并且題目中也有類似的同義替換, 如beyond man’s ability 等同于原文中的 can not yet give…

4:Besides reducing human labor, robots can also ________.

正確答案B:dealwith some errors with human intervention

原文定位:But if robots are to reach thenext stage of laborsaving utility, they will have to operate with less humansupervision and be able to make at least a few decisions for themselves — goalsthat pose a real challenge….while we know how to tell a robot to handle aspecific error…

答題要點:同義替換, with human intervention替換了文中with less human supervision.

比其他一些題目更難的地方在于, 這句話無論是原文還是正確選項都有個前提, 所以必須考慮進來, 如果不考慮前提,很有可能出現(xiàn)斷章取義, 導(dǎo)致錯選了A, make a fewdecision for themselves.



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