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Klinsmann's castle



  Jun 8th 2006 | BERLIN

  From The Economist print edition

  EVERY time Germany wins football's World Cup, some pundits[1] assert, the country takes a turn for the better. Thus 1954 saw the start of the gydjdsj.org.cn economic miracle, 1974 the birth of modern Germany and 1990 unification. The causality seems implausible, although some economists are talking up the 2006 t________①, which starts this weekend, and is being staged (like 1974's) in Germany. (1)A clearer link exists between the country and its football association (DFB), since they display similar strengths and weaknesses.

  權(quán)威人士斷言,每逢德國贏得世界杯足球賽冠軍,這個國家的狀況就會好轉(zhuǎn),例如,1954年開始的經(jīng)濟奇跡,1974年現(xiàn)代化德國的誕生以及1990年實現(xiàn)統(tǒng)一。某些經(jīng)濟學家現(xiàn)在正大肆宣揚本周末將在德國舉行(與1974年一樣)的2006年世界杯(譯者按:talk up意為“to make something appear more important, interesting, successful etc than it really is”,即“大加吹捧,大肆宣揚”),但這里面的因果聯(lián)系看似并不可信,倒是該國與其足協(xié)(DFB)之間存在一種較為明顯的聯(lián)系,因為它們有著相似的優(yōu)缺點。

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