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更新時(shí)間:2012/7/9 醫(yī)學(xué)考研論壇 在線題庫 評論

  We have no objection to there being a meeting here.我們并不反對在這里開會。

  It isn't enough for there to be a frost tonight,so I can leave Jim's car out quite safely.(作狀語)

  2)作狀語多用there being結(jié)構(gòu),但若置于介詞之后,for用there to be整個(gè)介詞短語作程度狀語,其它多半用there being。

  There being nobody else at hand, I had to do by myself.由于附近沒有人,我只得獨(dú)自干了。(原因狀語)

  It’s too early for there to be anybody up.太早了,還不會有人起床。(作程度狀語)

  There having been no rain for a long time,the ground was very dry.因?yàn)楹瞄L時(shí)間沒下雨了,地面非常干燥。(原因狀語)

  3)作主語時(shí)兩種結(jié)構(gòu)都可以,但如是用for引導(dǎo)則要用there to be。

  It is not uncommon for there to be problems of communication between old and young.老人與年青人之間存在著溝通問題是很常見的。

  There being a kindergarten on campus is a great convenience to female teachers.幼兒園在校園內(nèi)對女教師十分方便。

  4)作定語。 There be結(jié)構(gòu)作定語時(shí),定語從句中謂語為there be,there之前的關(guān)系代詞常常省略。如:

  This is the fastest train (that) there is to Nanking.這是到南京的最快一班車。

  I must make full use of the time there is left to me and do as much as I can for the people.我要充分利用我剩下的歲月盡量為人民多做些事。

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