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  3)go +現(xiàn)在分詞表示“從事…”之意,這時現(xiàn)在分詞做主語補語。go之后所接現(xiàn)在分詞均表示短暫而又愉快的戶外活動。如:jogging慢跑,fishing釣魚,dancing跳舞,skating溜冰,bowling打保齡球,shopping 購物,sightseeing游覽,camping露營。

  I’ll go camping tomorrow.我明天去露營。

  I’ll go shopping.我去商店。

  Would you like to go skating with me?你想和我去溜冰嗎?

  4)be busy + v-ing(現(xiàn)在分詞)忙著做…

  I am busy writing my thesis.我正忙著寫論文。

  His assistant is busy(in) correcting papers.他的助教忙于批閱考卷。

  或者be busy with + n.忙著做某事。

  He is busy with his work.他忙著工作。

  5)What do you say to + ing分詞?(……怎么樣?)

  What do you say to joining us for dinner?和我們一起進餐,你看怎么樣?



  can not help but do, can not but do, cannot choose but do, can do nothing but do, have no choice/alternative to do

  When I consider how talented he is as a painter, I cannot help but believe that the public will appreciate his gift.

  (4)there be的非謂語形式

  there be非謂語形式可在句中作主語、的賓語、的狀語和定語。(其中作賓語和狀語在1991年和1994年測試過,定語見1996年題10。)

  The students expected there to be more reviewing classes before the final exams.(作賓語如1991年題30)

  1)作動詞賓語時gydjdsj.org.cn,通常用there to be結構,而不用there being。能這樣用的及物動詞為:expect,like,mean,intend,want,prefer,hate等,如:

  We don't want there to be any comrades lagging behind,我們不希望有任何同志掉隊。

  They hate there to be long queues everywhere.他們不愿意處處都要排長隊。

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