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  Part  B

  41. Petrarch出現(xiàn)在文章第二段第二行“In 1337, Petrarch began work on his rambling writing De Viris Illustribus - On Famous Men, highlighting the virtus (or virtue) of classical heroes!备鶕(jù)此句的提示,Petrarch強調(diào)英雄美德。正確答案為A。

  42.該題可定位于文章第二段第五行“This was the biographical tradition which Niccolo Machiavelli turned on its head.In The Prince, the championed cunning, ruthlessness, and boldness, rather than virtue, mercy and justice, as the skills of successful leaders!庇纱丝芍狽iccolo Machiavelli的態(tài)度是反對美德作為成功人士的必要成分。根據(jù)此句的提示,正確答案為F。

  43. 該題可定位于文章第三段第三行“By contrast, the Victorian author Samual Smiles wrote Self-Help as a catalogue of the worthy lives of engineers , industrialists and explores 。”Samual Smiles 描寫了工程師們、企業(yè)家們和探險家們有價值的生活。根據(jù)此句的提示,正確答案為G。

  44. Thomas Carlyle出現(xiàn)在文章第四段第二行“These epochal figures represented lives hard to imitate, but to be acknowledged as possessing higher authority than mere morals。”由此得知Thomas Carlyle的觀點在于劃時代的人物的生活很難模仿。因此,正確答案為C。

  45.Marx and Engels主張Communist Manifesto共產(chǎn)黨宣言,可定位于第五段第二行,“And history should be the story of the masses and their record of struggle!睔v史應(yīng)該是人民大眾的故事,他們斗爭的記錄。因此,正確答案為E。

  Part  C





  These are the kind of workers that countries like Britain, Canada and Australia try to attract by using immigration rules that privilege college graduates。

  【解析】本句主干為These are the kind of workers,主語these指代的是第一句中前往發(fā)達(dá)國家的本國人才。后為that引導(dǎo)的定語從句,修飾workers,從句的主語為countries,其后like Britain, Canada and Australia,為介詞短語做后置定語,從句謂語部分為try to attract,后跟介詞短語做方式狀語,其中又套that引導(dǎo)的定義從句,修飾immigration rules。

  They fear that it hurts their economies, depriving them of much-needed skilled workers who could have taught at their universities, worked in their hospitals and come up with clever new products for their factories to make。

  【解析】本句that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句當(dāng)中,考查到了現(xiàn)在分詞做伴隨狀語,其中又套了who引導(dǎo)的定語從句,定語從句中動詞為虛擬語氣。代詞it指代上句中的brain drain,意為“人才流失”。

  Section Ⅲ Writing

  Part  A



  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I am writing to express my disappointment regarding the electronic dictionary that I bought from your on-line store last week, with the invoice number of ED53407.

  I have to complain about the poor quality of the dictionary. For one thing, the dictionary often automatically turns off at the very moment I am eager to see the word explanations. For another, it seems loose in the conjunction part. The screen part can not be properly settled.  

  Since the problems are unaccepted to me, I would like to get a refund or a new one. Looking forward to your prompt reply。

  Yours sincerely,

  Zhang Wei

  Part  B

  【詳解】: 本次考察重點依然圖表作文——表格。主要內(nèi)容涉及某公司內(nèi)部不同年齡段員工工作滿意度的調(diào)查。解題思路還是對表格進(jìn)行描述,找出背后所隱藏的現(xiàn)象,從而對原因進(jìn)行分析,最后再得出自己的結(jié)論。表格內(nèi)部數(shù)據(jù)傳達(dá)給我們的信息,50歲以下員工對工作不滿的比例較大,尤其是40-50歲段的員工,一個表示滿意的都沒有。而50歲以上的員工,表示不滿的人卻很少,只占十分之一。最后得出結(jié)論50歲以上的員工比50歲以下的人更容易對工作狀態(tài)感到滿意。


  The table above revealed an overall picture of employment satisfaction. Based upon the data of the table, most people under 40 are unclear or dissatisfied with their job, and 64% of those between 40 to 50, are not satisfied and no one feel satisfied at all. For people over 50, the degree of satisfaction largely exceeds the other groups, amounting to 40%. 

  Such difference may be rooted in the following reasons. First, middle-aged people face more pressure to support the family, both the children and the senior, so that they neglect to enjoy in work. Second, the senior citizens has developed a lot in personality, so they are more prone to see the optimistic aspects of the work. Last, the conclusion that the current society patterns pose more challenges to the middle aged group under 50.

  To sum up, the senior citizens enjoys more content than the young and middle-aged people under 50.  






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