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  臨床執(zhí)業(yè)醫(yī)師資格考試模擬題(三)英語(yǔ)           ★★★ 【字體:
作者:佚名 文章來(lái)源:醫(yī)學(xué)全在線 更新時(shí)間:2006-5-26


Part ⅠVocabulary and Structure
  Directions: Beneath each of the following
sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and
D. You should choose the one that best completes the
sentence and mark the corresnonding letter on the
Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

L. The young girl is extremely _________that she never
asks others for advice.
  A) proud B) selfish C) conceited D) thoughtful

2. The football match has been_________ until Monday
  A) put forward B) put forth C) put in advance D)
put off

3. This orange drink is_________ water.
  A) for most part B) in ihe most part
  C) for the most part D) in most

4. _________sister was willing to nurse the sick child.
  A) Neither B) More C) Nor D) No more

5. The more he tried to help her, _________she seemed
to appreciate it.
  A) less B) lesser C)the less D) the lesser

6. The economic situation is certainly serious, but we
have faced others just as serious as before, and
have_________ .
  A) pulled back B) pulled through
  C) pulled up D) pulled down

7. Before liberation, the working class kept on
  A) against B) with C) under D) on

8. He often feels_________ when he is left at home.
  A) alone, lonely B) lonely, alone
  C) alone, lonesome D) lonely

9. He was left alone, with_________ to look after him.
  A) anyone B) not one C) no one D) none

10. _________the evening of the 6th, my father suddenly
came back.
  A) In B) After C) On D) Before

11. The shrewd politician_________ his speech to suit
the interests of audience.
  A) adapted B) adopted C) adjusted D) adjudged

12. No sooner _________than it started to rain.
  A) they had got into the shelter B) they got into
ihe shelter.
  C) did they get into the shelter D) had they got
into the shelter.

13. All_________ is a coniinuous supply of fuel oil.
  A) What is needed B) is needed
  C) thai is needed D) needs

14. The mayor of the town is a_________old man.
  A) respect B) respective C) respectable D)

l5. _________,we went hiking.
  A) Being a fine day B) Being fine weather
  C) It was fine weather D) The day being fine

16.Would you_________me by taking the message to my
  A) force B) oblige
  C) urge D) persuade

17.After I covered fifty kilometers that day,my legs
under me_________.
  A) gave in B) gave off
  C) gave out D) gave away

l8.I remember_________ to that gentleman, but I cannot
think of the place where we met.
  A) to be introduced B) being introduced
  C) having introduced D) to have introduced

l9. _________the bad weather I would have gone camping
last Sunday.
  A) In spite of B) But for
  C) Because of D) As for

20. The thief said that he had many ways of
escaoing_________ .
  A) to catch B) to be caught
  C) being caught D) having been caught

Part Ⅱ Cloze
  Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following
passage(s). For each blank there are four choices
marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one answer
best fits into the passage and mark the corresponding
letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through
the center.
  Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for
leaning lie with the student. (21) a long reading
assignment is given,instructors expert students to be
familiar with the (22) in the reading even if they do
not discuss it in class or take an examination. The
(23) student is considered to be (24) who is motivated
to learn for the sake of (25), not the one interested
only in getting high grades. Sometimes homework is
returned (26) brief written comments but without a
grade. Even if a grade is not given, the student is
(27) for learning the material assigned. When research
is (28) , the professor expects the student to take it
actively and to complete it with (29) guidance. It is
the (30) the resoonsibility to find books, magazines,
ana articies in the library.Professors do not have the
time to explain (31) a university library works; they
expectstudents, (32) graduate students, to be able to
exhaust the reference (33) in the library. Professors wi
[l help students who need it, but (34) that their
students should not be (35) dependent on them. In the
United States professors have many other duties (36)
teaching, such as administration or research work.
(37), the time that a professor can spend with a
student outside of class is (38). If a student has
problems with classroom work, the student should either
(39) a professor during office hours (40) make an

21. A) If B) Although C) Because D) Since
  22. A) suggestion B) abstract C) context D)
  23. A) poor B) average C) ideal D) disappointed
  24. A) such B) any C) one D) some
  25. A) fun B) learning C) work D) prize
  26. A) by B) for C) in D) with
  27. A) criticized B) responsible C) innocent D)
  28. A) collected B) assigned C) distributed D)
  29. A) maximum B) possible C) minimum D) practical
  30. A) student's B) possible C) professor's D)
  31. A) when B) why C) what D) how
  32. A) particularly B) obviously C) essentially D)
  33. A) selections B) sources C) collections D)
  34. A) hate B) like C) dislike D) prefer
  35. A) too B) much C) such D) more
  36. A) but B) with C) except D) besides
  37. A) However B) Furthermore C) Therefore D)
  38. A) plentiful B) irregular C) limited D) flexible
  39. A) greet B) approach C) annoy D) attach
  40. A) or B) to C) and D) but

Part Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension
  Directtons: There are 6 reading passages in this
part. Each passage is followed by some questions or
unfinished statements. For each of them there are four
choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the
best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the
Answer sheet with single line through the center

Passage Ⅰ Questions 41-45 are based on the following
  Ever since humans have lived on the earth, they
have made use of various forms of communication.
Generally, this expression of thoughts and feeling has
been in the form of oral speech. When there is a
language bareier, communication is accomplished through
sign language in which motions stand for letters,
words, and ideas. Tourists and the people unable to
hear or speak have had to resort to this expression.
Many of these symbols of whole words are very vivid and
exact and can be used internationally;spelling,
however, cannot.
  Body language transmits ideas or thoughts by
certain actions, either intentionally or
unintentionally. A wink can be a way of indicating that
the party is only joking.A nod signifies approval,
while shaking the head indicates a negative reaction.
  Other forms of nonlinguistic language can be found
in Braille (a system of raised dots read with
fingertips), signal fiags, Morse code, and smoke
signals. Road maps and picturo signs also guide, warn
and instruct people. While language is the most common
form of communication, other systems and techniques
also express human thoughts and feelings.

41. Which of the followipg statements best summarizes
this passage?
  A) When language is a barrier, people will find
other forms of communications.
  B) Everybody uses only one form ofcommunication.
  C) Nonlinguistic language is invaluable to
  D) Although other forms, apart from language, of
communicaiion exist, they are of little value

42. Which of the folloWing statements is NOT true?
  A) There are many forms of communication in
existence today.
  B) Langunge is the most common form of
  C) Tourists are incapable of using an oral form of
  D) Ideas and thoughts can be transmitted by body

43. Which form other than oral speech could be most
commonly used among blind people?
  A) Picture signs B)Braille C) Body language D)Signal

44. Sign language is said to be very vivid and exact
and can be used internationally except for________?
  A) spelling B) ideas C) whole D) expressions

45.How many different forms of communication are
mentioned here?
  A) 5 B) 7 C)9 D) 3

Passage Ⅱ Questions 46-50 are based on the following
  We spend our leisure hours efficiently for higher
production,live by even when time does not matter,
modernize our homes and speed tbe machinery of living
in order that we can go to the most places and do the
most things in the shortest period of time possible. We
try to eat,sleep, and talk efficiently. Even on
holidays and Sundays, the efficient man relaxes on
timetable with one eye on the clock and the other on an
appointment sheet.
  To squeeze the most out of each shining hour we
have shortened the opera,quickened the pace of the
movie and put culture in pocket-sized packages. We make
the busy bee look like a lazy creature, the ant like
sluggard. We live sixty-mile-a-minute and the great
efficiency smiles.
  We wish we could return to that pleasant day when
We considered time a friend instead of an enemy, when
we did things willingly and because we wanted to,
rather than because our timetable called for it. But
that of course would not be efficiency, and we
Americans must be efficient.

46. The phrase that best expresses main idea of this
passage is________.
  A) The modern pace B) Our interest in shorten operas
  C) How to make the best use of leisure time D)
Planning our time scientifically

47. The passage tells us that________.
  A) Americans are forced to be efficient against
their will
  B) Americans should do what they are willing to do
  C) People ought not work so hard for efficiency
  D) Americans are at a loss what to do.

48. According to the passage,which of following is a
  A) Shortened opera performances. B) Quickened paces
of movies.
  C) Speeded-up work efficiency. D) Working on

49. The "pleasant day" to which the author refers was
period when we_______.
  A) did not feel guilty ,about wasting time.
  B) were able to act of our own free will
  C) seemed to have better weather
  D) did not have so many enemies

50. The word "sluggard" means________.
  A) a slow-moving person B) a human being
  C) a hard worker D) an enemy

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