主癥 本病初起壯熱面赤,搖頭弄舌,咬牙?齒,睡中驚悸,手足亂動,煩躁不安,繼即神志昏迷,兩目直視,牙關緊閉,四肢抽搐,顫動,或陣發(fā),或持繼不已,呼吸迫促,便秘溲赤,脈浮數或弦滑指紋青紫相兼。
Main Manifestations In the beginning, there are high fever, flushed face, invotunlary motion of head, tongue and teeth, disturbed sleep, cry and fear on the waking, irritability, restlessness of limbs. When aggravated, there appear unconsciousness, gazing of eyes, lockjaw, persistent or intermittent contraction and tremor of limbs, gasping for breath, constipation, dark urine, superficial, rapid or wiry, rolling pulse, and blue-purplish finger crease.醫(yī)學 全在.線提供gydjdsj.org.cn
治法 取督脈和手陽明經穴為主,輔以足厥陰經穴。毫針淺刺,疾出不留,用瀉法,或三棱針點刺出血。
Treatment Points of Governor Vessel and Large Intestine Meridians are primarily selected and these from Liver Meridian are prescribed as secondary points. Superficial puncture is applied without retention of needles. Reducing technique of bleeding with three-edged needle is used.
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處方 水溝 印堂 十宣 合谷 太沖
Prescription Shuigou (GV 26), Yintang (EX-HN 3), Shixuan (EX-UE 11), Hegu (LI 4) and Taichong (LR 3). |