Strahlentherapie und Onkologie published monthly is a scientific journal that covers all aspects of oncology with focus on radiooncology radiation biology and radiation physics. The articles are not only of interest to radiooncologists but to all physicians interested in oncology to radiation biologists and radiation physicists. The journal publishes original articles reviews and case reports that are peer-reviewed. It includes scientific short communications as well as a Journal Club with annotated articles that inform the reader on new developments in the various disciplines concerned and hence allow for a sound overview over the latest results in radiooncology research. Founded in 1912 the journal is the oldest oncological journal in the world. Today contributions are published in English and German. All articles have English summaries figure legends and key words. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie is the official publication of the German Austrian Swiss and Hungarian scientific radiooncological societies and publishes the relevant communications of these societies. The transnational status of the journal underscores the scientific and political importance of the journal in oncology within Central Europe. The journal is also the publication of the German Society for Medical Physics and the Radiooncology Working Group for Clinival Cancer Research of the German Cancer Society.