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The picture jumping into my sight is fairly compelling. In this cartoon , after graduation, a host of graduates may face diverse choices , ranging from postgraduate entrance exam to study abroad to job-hunting and so on . But when approaching a junction , which direction should one choose ? The caption, summarizing the message conveyed by this cartoon in a couple of words , reads : “choice”  This picture inspires me hugely.
The cartoonist strives to bring home to us a single clear message : making choice matters much for a person’s success. Stated in another way, a folk would be permanently locked out of the league of successful elites if he or she lacks the awareness of choice . To be more specific , on the basis of self-evaluation and development goal in the foreseeable future , different folks possess different options .www.med126.com
From my own perspective , option is truly among the most important of elements that drive individuals to success. Losing sight of the crucial importance of option would be a major obstacle to one’s success. Meanwhile , when making every option , we are supposed to take self-evaluation and interest into consideration. On a broader level, a persistent atmosphere of placing a high value on cultivating of making options is sorely needed. Only in this way can we embrace a brighter future.


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