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更新時(shí)間:2012/8/29 醫(yī)學(xué)考研論壇 在線題庫 評論



例句: How many of us attending(=who are attending), say, a meeting that is irrelevant to us would be interested in the discussion?

分析: 該句是復(fù)合句。主干部分為How many of us would be interesed in the discussion。 that is irrelevant to us是修飾a meeting的定語從句, say作插入語,可譯為“比方說”, attending... a meeting作定語修飾us。

譯文: 假如我們參加了一個(gè)與我們無關(guān)的會(huì)議,有多少人會(huì)對討論感興趣呢?

例句: It is easy to blame the decline of conversation on the pace of modern life and on the vague changes taking place(=which takes place)in our everchanging world.

分析: 該句是復(fù)合句。it是形式主語,to blame the decline of...是真正的主語,分詞短語taking place in our everchanging world修飾changes。

譯文: 人們很容易把交談減少歸咎于現(xiàn)代生活的節(jié)奏以及在我們這個(gè)不斷變化的世界中所發(fā)生的某些不太清楚的變革。

例句: On the other hand, he did not accept as well founded the charge made by some of his critics that, while he was a good observer, he had no power of reasoning.

分析: 該句是復(fù)合句。在英語中,謂語動(dòng)詞后如果跟了篇幅較長的賓語,往往會(huì)將賓語補(bǔ)足語前置到賓語前面。此句的正常語序是:he(主語)+did not accept(謂語)+the charge(賓語)as well。本句中,分詞短語made by some of his critics修飾charge,that引導(dǎo)的是一個(gè)同位語從句在說明和解釋charge,其中又包含了一個(gè)while引導(dǎo)的讓步狀語從句。

譯文: 另一方面,某些人批評他雖然善于觀察,卻不具備推理能力,而他認(rèn)為這種說法也是缺乏根據(jù)的。

例句: The emphasis on data gathered firsthand (=which have been gathered), combined with (which have been combined with) a crosscultural perspective brought to (= which has been brought to) the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science.(2003年第 63題)

分析: 該句是簡單句。主干部分為The emphasis makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science, a unique and distinctly important social science在句中作賓語this study的補(bǔ)足語,gathered firsthand及combined with a crosscultural perspective作定語修飾data, brought to the analysis of cultures past and present作定語修飾perspective。

譯文: 強(qiáng)調(diào)收集第一手資料,加上分析過去和現(xiàn)在文化時(shí)采用跨文化視角,使得這種研究成為一門獨(dú)特的并且非常重要的社會(huì)科學(xué)。

分詞或分詞短語放在系動(dòng)詞be, become, get, remain, seem, stay后作表語,F(xiàn)在分詞作表語表示主語的性質(zhì)或正在進(jìn)行的動(dòng)作,過去分詞作表語則表示主語所處的狀態(tài)。

例句: Mrs. Green has been living in town for only one year, yet she seems to be acquainted with everyone who comes to the store. (1996年第23題)

分析: 該句是復(fù)合句。who comes to the store是修飾everyone的定語從句,短語be acquainted with sb.意思為“與某人相識(shí),熟悉”。

譯文: 格林女士住在城里僅一年,可是,她似乎認(rèn)識(shí)來到這個(gè)商店的每一個(gè)人。

例句: Dozens of scientific groups all over the world have been pursuing the goal of a practical and economical way to use sunlight to split water molecules. (1996年第25題)

分析: 該句是簡單句。介詞短語of a practical and economical way作定語修飾goal,不定式to split water molecules作狀語表示目的。

譯文: 全世界幾十個(gè)科學(xué)團(tuán)體一直在尋求利用太陽光分解水分子既實(shí)用而又經(jīng)濟(jì)的方法。

例句: Consumers seem only mildly concerned, not panicked, and many say they remain optimistic about the economys longterm prospects even as they do some modest belttightening. (選自2004年Text 3)

分析: 該句是復(fù)合句。they remain optimistic about...在句中作say的賓語從句,even as they do some modest belttightening是一讓步狀語從句。

譯文: 消費(fèi)者似乎只是略有擔(dān)心,并不恐慌,許多人還說,即使稍微勒緊褲帶,他們對經(jīng)濟(jì)的長遠(yuǎn)發(fā)展仍然感到樂觀。



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