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更新時間:2012/7/25 醫(yī)學考研論壇 在線題庫 評論

  after all



  Few people are immune to vanity, jealousy, and pretension.

  The book is neither instructive nor interesting.

  She speaks English fluently and freely.

  He does not like swim, nor read, nor ride, nor drive.

  The group of people comes into the room, talking, singing and laughing.

  He firmly believes that a free man obtains knowledge from many sources other than books and that personal investigation is of great important.

  Nature gave them no warm fur pelts against the cold, no swiftness to escape any enemy, no weapons for fighting.


  This is true that…

  It is one thing to… it is another to …

  It is true without doubt, but…

  As can be indicated in the picture …

  As is shown by the picture …

  As is revealed in the cartoon …

  As we can find out later …

  According to … given in the drawing …

  It is generally believed / accepted / thought / held …

  The key findings taken from the picture are as follows:

  It can been seen from the picture that …


  It is the ability to do the job that matters, not where you came from or what you are.

  It is the parents that always expect their children to get a good job and earn a lot of money.

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