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  due to /because of /for the reason that

  The chief reason why… is that …

  Now that…

  Another factor/ reason is that…

  There are ample / powerful/ sufficient/ various reasons in saying that…

  One may criticize/ find fault with/ disapprove of… but the real cause/ motivation/ root/ purpose of… is …

  … results from/ arises from/ can be attributed to the fact that…

  As far as I am concerned, there are some reasons accounting for this phenomenon.


  However important we may regard school life to be, there is no denying the fact that children spend more time at home than in the classroom. Therefore, the great influence of parents cannot be ignored or discounted by the teacher.

  One may criticize the authorities for the accident, but the real reason lies deeper.

  Thus/Asa result/So/Consequently/Hence/Accordingly/Thereby…

  It may result in/ yield/ give rise to some other problems …

  It would cause / produce/ bring about a considerable / noticeable change in …

  Among all the reasons of …, one should be emphasized that …


  It is obvious / apparent/ clear/ conspicuous / without doubt that…

  A recent report indicates that …

  According to the statistics provided by …, it can be seen that …

  Based on the survey/analysis/investigation of…, there is a growing/increasing/decreasing number of people who show concern about …

  There is sufficient evidence showing that…

  This sets forth the important fact that …

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