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  2012年的考研大作文可以從要樹立正確的態(tài)度,要持樂觀的態(tài)度,或自信都可以去寫,從其它方面就很難說了。接下來就要思考出所要寫作的主題詞匯,比如keep/be optimistic/pessimistic; optimism, attitude, 等等。這些詞匯都應(yīng)該在今年的大作文里出現(xiàn)。


  在寫大作文時,第一段需要簡短描述圖畫的內(nèi)容。酒瓶bottles或漢語字“全完了everything is over. ”,“還剩一點(diǎn)兒there is still a little left!钡葘儆诳忌鷳(yīng)該掌握的作文基礎(chǔ)詞匯,這是靠模板不能寫出來的東西。 第二段需要闡釋圖畫寓意,其實(shí)就是論證說明樹立樂觀態(tài)度的重要性。最后一段可以結(jié)合自己談?wù)効捶ɑ蝮w會。


  按照我們課堂上的寫作方法,可以這樣來展開描述和議論。第一段為傳統(tǒng)的圖畫描述段,根據(jù)圖畫中的具體信息,尤其是下面的文字說明,進(jìn)行直接描述。比如可以運(yùn)用我們沖刺課堂上傳授的精彩句型 " Whoever in front of this cartoon/drawing/picture will be greatly impressed. How thought-provoking it seems to be! 或What is vividly illustrated in the painting above is that …. (對漫畫籠統(tǒng)地描述)。然后再補(bǔ)上后面的文字解釋說明:“The caption(圖畫中的文字) informs us readers of the message that attitude makes everything.  ”屬經(jīng)典的開頭套話。在描述中,不可缺少的主題相關(guān)詞包括" keep/be optimistic; optimism, attitude等與“態(tài)度;樂觀;悲觀”有關(guān)的詞匯,這是得分的第一步。

  第二段要求展開闡釋漫畫背后所預(yù)示的主題,并加以論證說明。在這一段首句可以直接采用" Simply designed though this miniature seems to be, the symbolic meaning it conveys is deep and profound. It is, most likely, that the drawer intends not only to present the serious behavior to us but also to set us thinking about its real significance。在句型運(yùn)用方面,可以考慮使用必殺詞組“The foremost and the most striking influence of it is ….,As is universally acknowledged,和What makes things even worse等。


  Sample Writing 醫(yī).學(xué)全.在線www.med126.net

  As is apparently drawn in this miniature, in the middle stand two individuals, one feeling gloomy while the other optimistic. The Chinese characters above inform our readers of the message that various folks take different attitudes toward the same event. How impressive this drawing seems to be in depicting one of the most prevalent themes that attitudes make everything in our life.

  After careful reflection and mediation, we examinees come to understand the enlightening drawing. I contend that this thought-provoking image conveys one profound layer of implication concerning attitude or optimism. It is universally acknowledged that life is by no means perfect and whether we feel optimistic or not depends on what attitudes we take.

  When confronted with an adverse situation, some youths feel in low spirits and fall into depression. Others, on the contrary, look at the positive side of the situation and remain cheerful. As a consequence, it is our attitude rather than the situation itself that determines how we feel.

  In my personal sense, the message applies to our youths especially. In such a rat-race society, everyone is bound to encounter hardships and difficulties. In this sense, I should keep an optimistic attitude to pull through any hardship. Just as a famous figure puts it, it is our attitude that has changed everything in our life.




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