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更新時(shí)間:2007/10/20 醫(yī)學(xué)考研論壇 在線題庫 評論




  Among all the worthy feelings of mankind, love is probably the noblest, but everyone has his/her own understanding of it. There has been a discussion recently on the issue in a newspaper. Write an essay to the newspaper to

  1) show your understanding of the symbolic meaning of the picture below,

  2) give a specific example, and

  3) give your suggestion as to the best way to show love. You should write about 200 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)


  本文中的圖畫非常簡單,結(jié)合提示考生很容易理解其含義,但這張圖片的意義卻很深遠(yuǎn):油燈上面的火焰是一個(gè)孩子的微笑,在黑暗中發(fā)出明亮的光芒,上面還有一句提示語“愛心是一盞燈,在越黑暗的地方越明亮。”這句話的理解關(guān)系到對整篇文章中心思想的正確理解。這句話的前半句是個(gè)比喻,后半句是一個(gè)越……越……的結(jié)構(gòu),考生應(yīng)該深刻領(lǐng)會愛心的重要作用。本文中的提綱有三點(diǎn),一是寫出對于圖畫象征意義的理解,二是舉出一個(gè)具體的事例,三是就獻(xiàn)愛心的最好辦法給出建議。另外這道題目中增加了情景語言,即:包括情景說明,提綱說明,以及圖畫。降低了題目的難度,考生可以結(jié)合提綱式作文、規(guī)定情景作文和圖畫作文的寫作特點(diǎn)完成本文的寫作。但要注意一個(gè)重要原則:英語情景說明語句,不可直接照搬,需要進(jìn)行改動。盡量應(yīng)用同義,近義詞,相關(guān)表達(dá),不同句式改造。例如worthy 可以替換為valuable,feelings 可以替換為 emotions,mankind 可以替換為 human being,noblest可以替換為greatest等。我們可分三段來完成本文。在第一段中不僅應(yīng)描述圖畫,還應(yīng)描述上面的那句話。在第二段中,應(yīng)舉一個(gè)能與圖畫所表達(dá)的道理相匹配的典型事例。這樣的事例很多,考生可以結(jié)合自己的經(jīng)歷列舉,如希望工程、抗洪捐款等等,也可以列舉具體人物。最后一段中,考生可以提出自己的建議,這一部分難度不高,考生可以套用一些模版句型。


  In the picture presented to us, an oil lamp gives out bright flame against the dark background. The flame is like a childs smile, so innocent and pure. The oil lamp here is a symbol of love, which is the greatest among all the valuable emotions of human being. Just as the Chinese characters around the lamp say, love is a lamp; the darker the room is, the brighter it looks. It is true that the harder the situation is, the more valuable love is.

  One good example to illustrate this love is the "Hope Project". As we all know, although our economy is much better than years of ago, a great gap still remains between east and west regions, between large cities and rural areas. Thousands of poor children are forced to quit school because of lacking of money. All works of life have worried about this situation. "Hope Project", which is proposed just in time, calls for people to show their loves for those children unable to go to school, and tens of thousands of people has lent their hands without asking for any return.

  The best way to show love, I think, is to be devoted to our work and our nation. Everyone is indeed unique loved by the people around, and therefore we must learn to love others, and try our best to shoulder the responsibility of the job so as to help others live better and make contribution to our nation.






  In the picture presented to us...


  Just as ... say, ...


  It is true that the harder the situation is, the more valuable love is.


  One good example to illustrate this love is the "Hope Project"。


  As we all know,...


  The best way to..., I think, is to...


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