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中醫(yī)漢英雙語學(xué)習(xí)-疾病產(chǎn)生的原因— 病因?qū)W


疾病產(chǎn)生的原因— 病因?qū)W

  Etiology is defined as various kinds of factors that cause diseases. As TCM sees it, etiology mainly includs the six exogenous pathogens, pestilence,(epidemic pathogenc factors ) the seven emotions, emotional frustration, improper diet, overwork, maladjustment between work and rest, traumatic injuries, insect or animal bites, phlegm retention, blood stasis, etc. Zhang ZhongJing of the Eastern Han Dynasty pointed out: "Despite numerous diseases, they would not exceed three categories". Up to the Song Dynasty, Chen Wuze put forward the theory of the three categories of etiologic factors i. e., exogenous pathogenic factors, endogenouspathogenic factors and non-endo-exogenous pathogenic factors. To be more specific, six pathogenic factors invading the body from the outside pertain to exogenous pathogenic factors; the seven emotions directly involving the internal organs are attributed to endogenous pathogenic factors; other pathogenic factors, such as improper diet, overwork, traumatic injury, insect and animal bites, etc. , are said to be non-endo-exogenous pathogenic factors. "The theory of the three categories of etiologic factors" caused strong repercussions in later ages and promoted the research into the etiology.     病因?qū)W的定義是造成疾病的各種原因。在中醫(yī)看來,病因主要有六yin、疫氣、七情、飲食不節(jié)、勞逸失度、外傷、痰飲、瘀血等。東漢時(shí)期的張仲景指出:“千般災(zāi)難,不越三條”。到宋代,陳無擇提出三因?qū)W說,即:外因、內(nèi)因、不內(nèi)外因。更具體的說,六yin自外侵犯人體屬于外因;七情直接傷及內(nèi)臟屬于內(nèi)因;其它如飲食不節(jié)、過勞,外傷、蟲害等屬于不內(nèi)外因。三因?qū)W說在后世產(chǎn)生了強(qiáng)烈的反響并促進(jìn)了病因?qū)W的研究。
    In discerning etiology, besides having a sound knowledge of the objective conditions that possibly lead to illness, TCM centers attention on the clinical manifestations of diseases, and inquires into the etiology through analyzing the symptoms and signs so that a basis for treatment and medications may be is provided. This method is called "seeking cause of disease through differentiation of syndromes."The six exogenous factors are a general term for wind, cold, summer-heat, damp, dryness and fire. Under normal conditions, they are six climatic factors. TCM calls them the "six qi." They are not harmful to human beings but rather are the essential conditions of the growth of all living things in nature. Thus, the six qi will not cause diseases normally. However, when the six qi become too excessive or deficient, or when the body's resistance is too weak to adapt itself to the abnormal changes, the six qi will be changed into the pathogenic factors to attack the human body and cause diseases. They, as such, are known as "six exogenous pathogens" (liu yin). Of the six exogenous pathogens the five result from the dysfunction of the zang-fu organs rather than the exogernous factors invading the body from the outside though they also have the symptoms similar to wind, cold, dampness, dryness and fire.(Of...是介詞短語提前。前置同倒裝等一樣,是強(qiáng)化信息的重要手段之一。有如:a. Of the two the latter is far better than the former. b. Of the 100 cases treated with this therapy, 60 are male and 40 female. ) In order to distinguish them from the six exogenous pathogens, they are termed the "five endogenous pathogens", i.e., the endogenous wind,endogenous cold, endogenous dampness, endogenous dryness and endogenous fire.     辨別病因除了要對(duì)可能導(dǎo)致疾病的客觀環(huán)境有全面的認(rèn)識(shí)外,還要注意疾病的臨床表現(xiàn),從分析癥狀中尋求病因,從而為藥物治療提供依據(jù)。這種方法叫“辨證求因”。六yin是風(fēng)、寒、暑、濕、燥、火的總稱。正常情況下,它們是六種氣候因素,中醫(yī)稱為“六氣”。它們對(duì)人體無害,而是自然界萬物生長的必要環(huán)境。因此,正常情況下六氣不導(dǎo)致疾病。然而,當(dāng)六氣太過或不足、人體的抵抗拉太弱不能適應(yīng)異常變化時(shí),六氣就會(huì)變成病因侵犯人體,導(dǎo)致疾病。在六yin中,有五種是由于內(nèi)臟功能失調(diào)所引起,并非外邪自外侵犯人體,雖然它們也有類似風(fēng)、寒、濕、燥、火的證候。為了將它們與六yin區(qū)別,把它們稱為“內(nèi)生五邪”即內(nèi)風(fēng)、內(nèi)寒、內(nèi)濕、內(nèi)燥、內(nèi)火。
The pathogenic features of the six exogenous pathogens are as follows. 六yin的病理特征如下:
(l) The six exogenous pathogens have close relationships with the seasonal changes and living environment. For example, diseases caused by wind-pathogen mostly occur in spring; summer-heat diseascs usually appear in summer; damp diseases often happen in later summer, dry diseases arise most often in autumn and cold diseases are often seen in winter. And the people who live in damp circumstances are susceptible to damp diseases, while the people living under a high temperature are liable to contract fire or dryness diseases. (1)六yin與季節(jié)變化和生活環(huán)境有密切關(guān)系。例如,風(fēng)邪致病多在春季;暑邪致病通常在夏季;暑邪致病通常發(fā)生在夏至后;燥邪致病多在秋季;寒邪致病見于冬季。生活在潮濕環(huán)境的人易感受濕邪,而生活在高溫環(huán)境下的人則易感染火邪或燥邪。
(2) The six exogenous pathogens may singly invade the body by a single pathogen and simultaneously and invade the body by more than two pathogen. For example, common cold results frequently from pathogenic wind and cold; diarrhea is caused by pathogenic dampnese and heat; bi-syndrome (arthralgia) is causcd by pathogenic wind, cold and dampness and so on. (2)六yin可以單獨(dú)侵犯人體也可兩種以上同時(shí)侵犯人體。例如,普通感冒通常由風(fēng)寒之邪所致;瀉泄由濕熱之邪所致;風(fēng)寒濕夾雜而致痹癥等。
(3) They may be transformed into each other. Examples are: pathogenic cold in the body may be transformed into heat and prolonged summer-heat dampness may bring about dryness and fire to impair yin. (3)六yin之間可以互相轉(zhuǎn)化。例如,體內(nèi)寒邪可化熱,暑濕可以化火化燥傷陰。
(4) The last featurc of the six exogenous pathogens is that they invade the human body via the body surface or from the mouth and nose or through both concurrently. This is known as"affection resulting from six exogenous pathogens." (4)六yin的最后一個(gè)特點(diǎn)是它們可以由體表或口鼻或同時(shí)侵犯人體。這就是“外感六yin”。
The seven emotions refer to the human mental activities. In TCM, they are classified into seven classes: joy, anger, melancholy, anxiety, grief, fear and terror.They are the different responses to the environmental stimuli in the human body in general circumstances, they belong to the normal physiological activities and will not cause diseases. When sudden, strong,long or protracted (prolonged)emotional stimuli go beyond the body's adaptability and endurance, the emotional stimuli will become pathogenic factors, which cause dysfunction of qi, blood and the zang-fu organs and imbalance of yin and yang, hence leading to diseases. This is known as "internal injury caused by the seven".     七情指的是人的精神活動(dòng)。中醫(yī)把它們歸為七類:喜、怒、哀、思、悲、驚、恐。在正常情況下,它們是人體對(duì)環(huán)境刺激的不同反應(yīng),屬于正常的生理活動(dòng),不會(huì)致病。當(dāng)突然、強(qiáng)烈、持久的精神刺激超出了人體的適應(yīng)力和忍受力,情感刺激就會(huì)成為致病因素,引起氣、血和臟腑的功能失調(diào)和陰陽失衡,從而導(dǎo)致疾病。這就是“內(nèi)傷七情”。
   The seven emotions are different from the six exogenous pathogens in causing diseases. The six exogenous pathogens, as mentioned ahove, usually invade the body through the skin, mouth and nose, and it is mostly exterior syndromes at the early stage of the onset. The seven emotions, however, directly affect the corresponding zang-fu organs to bring on diseases because a certain zang-fu organ is closely related to a certain emotional activity. (不定式短語 to bring on ... 在句中作結(jié)果狀語。又如:a. Arthur returned home to be struck by another blow. b. What have I done to deserve so much? c. He made a long speech only to show his ignorance of the subject. )So TCM says, "Anger impairs the liver; excessive joy impairs the heart; grief or melancholy impairs the lung, anxiety impairs tbe spleen, and fright or fear impairs the kidney", The abnormal emotions mainly influence qi activity of the internal organs, so as to cause the dysfunction in ascending and descending of qi. Concretely speaking, "Anger causes the qi (to the liver)to ascend: joy makes the qi (of the heart) sluggish; sorrow makes the qi (of the lung) consumed; fear induces the qi (ofthe kidney) to dissipate; fright causes the disorder of the qi (of the heart) ; and anxiety brings about the depression of the qi (of the spleen)." As concerns other pathogenic factors such as pestilence, improper diet, maladjustment of work and rest, parasites, surgical trauma, phlegm retention, blood stasis, etc,we have to, though they are of equal importance, give them upon account of limited space.     七情致病與六yin不同。正如以上所提及的,六yin通常由肌膚口鼻侵犯人體,在早期多屬于表證。而七情致病,則是直接影響相應(yīng)的臟腑而發(fā)病。因?yàn)槟骋慌K腑與某一情志活動(dòng)有密切關(guān)系。所以中醫(yī)云:“怒傷肝;喜傷心;憂傷肺;思傷脾;驚恐傷腎”。異常情緒主要影響內(nèi)臟氣的活動(dòng),導(dǎo)致氣的升降失常。具體的說“怒則氣上;喜則氣緩;悲則氣消;恐則氣下;驚則氣亂;思則氣結(jié)”。至于其它病因如蟲害、飲食不節(jié)、勞逸失度、寄生蟲、外傷、痰凝、血瘀等,雖然同樣重要,但鑒于篇幅所限,恕不論之。
Special phrases 特殊短語
1.Pathogenic factors; pathogens 1.邪氣
2.exogenous pathogenic factors; (exogenous pathogenic) 2.外邪
3.seasonal pathogenic factors (seasonal pathogens) 3.時(shí)邪
4.pathogenic wind 4.風(fēng)邪
5.endogenous wind 5.內(nèi)風(fēng)
6.exogenous wind 6.外風(fēng)
7.Wind is the first and foremost factor to cause various diseases 7.風(fēng)為百病之長
8.Sudden spasm and rigidity of muscles result from wind. 8.諸暴強(qiáng)直,皆屬于風(fēng)
9.Vomiting with sour vomitus of spouting diarrhea with tenesmus is caused by wind. 9. 諸病吐酸,暴注下迫,皆屬于熱。
10.Abdominal distension is mainly related to heat 10.諸脹腹大,皆屬于熱
11.visible phlegm 11.有形之痰
12.invisible phlegm 12.無形之痰
13.excess of sexual intercourse 13.房勞過度

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