Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry ( Periodicity: monthly) is supervised by Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Association of Science and Techonlogy, and s ponsored by Chinese Chemical Society and Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry is a comprehensive academic journal of organic chemistry . It publishes original research results in all fields of organic chemistry in the forms of Reviews, Accounts, Articles, Notes, Communications, etc . It provides a forum for academic exchanges and discussions on relevant disciplines to reflect and promote the progress in organic chemistry research in China.
The journal is one of the core journals of natural sciences in China, and is abstracted or indexed in : SCI, CCI, CA and Referativniy Zhurnal (Russ.). Since 2001, it is a member of "China Journal Square" administrated by Journalism and Publication Administration of the People's Republic of China.