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第八章 尿的生成和排出的參考資料
作者:佚名  文章來源:醫(yī)學全在線  點擊數  更新時間:2007/8/24 3:34:54  文章錄入:凌林  責任編輯:凌云

參 考 資 料


2.何小瑞,姚泰.管球反饋對腎小球血流動力學的影響及其機制.生理學進展 1991;22:216-220

3.潘敬運.腎神經的功能.生理科學進展 1985;16:215-219

4.berne rm,levy mn. physiology 3rd ed, pp 719-753,cv mosby co,st louis,1993

5.stokes jb.electroneutral naci transport in the distal tubule.kidney international 1989;36:427

6.rose bd.diuretics.kidney international 1991;39:336

7.doucet a.na-k-atpase in the kidney tubule in relation to natriuresis.kidney international 1992;41:sll8

8.sands jm,kokko jp.countercurrent system.kidney international 1990;38:695

9.molony da,reeves wb,andreoli te.na+: k+;2ci- cotransport and thick ascending limb.kidney international 1989;36:418

10.stokes jb.sodium and potassium transport by the collecting duct.kidney international 1990;38:678

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