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一場玩膩了的拼圖游戲 考研畫圖作文完全攻略
作者:佚名  文章來源:新東方  點(diǎn)擊數(shù)  更新時間:2006/12/16 1:09:53  文章錄入:凌林  責(zé)任編輯:凌云






常用詞:symbolize(象征……), signify (象征……), epitomize (成為……的縮影), is associated with, is an excellent metaphor for (是……很好的暗喻),還有一個詞,metaphorize,如:Children are metaphorized as the flower.

常用句:The set of drawings/This cartoon is really thought-provoking.

This thought-provoking cartoon tells/warns us that …


第二句:原因一 第三句:擴(kuò)展 第四句:擴(kuò)展 第五句:擴(kuò)展

第六句:原因二 第七句:擴(kuò)展 第八句:擴(kuò)展 第九句:擴(kuò)展


第二句:原因一 第三句:擴(kuò)展 第四句:擴(kuò)展

第五句:原因二 第六句:擴(kuò)展 第七句:擴(kuò)展

第八句:結(jié)果 第九句:擴(kuò)展


當(dāng)然在寫原因的時候有大量的套句,如Why …? For one thing, …For another, … Perhaps the primary cause is …等等,可以實(shí)現(xiàn)連貫與銜接。


Surely enough, ①the flower epitomizes the younger generation in China while the greenhouse is an excellent metaphor for parents’ excessive protection of their children. Admittedly, ②parents love their children by nature, and ③Chinese mothers and fathers are no exceptions. However, ④Chinese parents tend to dote on their children because each family is allowed to have only one child due to birth control. ⑤They pin so much hope on the much-treasured child that ⑥ if he wants the star, they might even climb to pick it. ⑦Selfish and self-centered, the spoilt child depends on his parents for everything. ⑧As a result, once confronted with the harsh reality, he is more likely to yield to hardships and difficulties in life. (117個字)

第一句話用一個復(fù)雜句點(diǎn)出寓意。然后分析,為什么會溺愛?第一個原因是天性,寫了②③句,用and連起來變成一個并列句。第二個原因當(dāng)然是第一個原因的深入,因?yàn)橹袊嗍仟?dú)子,寫成了④,有一個原因狀語從句在里面。第三個原因是父母寄托了很多的希望,寫成了⑤⑥,連成了一個結(jié)果狀語從句。⑦ 句描述結(jié)果,有兩層意思,一是孩子變得自私和自我為中心,二是依賴性太強(qiáng),合成了一句。最后一句話是個大收尾,點(diǎn)明了寓意。同學(xué)們同時要注意黑體的那些邏輯詞的使用。

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