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1、 口頭語:

1) My name is …:不妨說成:My name is …. You can call me Alex, that’s my English name. Now let me introduce myself first(這不廢話嗎?可是如果演技好,您已經(jīng)耗了十五秒了)

2) 我有點兒緊張:就是這么想的也不要這么說,可以說:Well, give me a second. Let me put it in this way.

3) 我的專業(yè)是:My major is …用得太多了,換個I’m doing a degree in …

4) 我很幸運:我輔導(dǎo)學(xué)生的時候,不大愿意讓他們說I’m lucky,而希望他們說成:I’m glad to have a chance to work with many talented classmates and noted professors here.

5) 我要說的就這么些了:Thank you for listening. Now I’d love to answer your questions.

2、 套話和“奇葩”:可以挑著說,但是要實事求是,死記硬背的后果是很幽默的

1) 俺當(dāng)過班長:I worked as the class monitor and help teachers handle with class affairs(不知道如果連續(xù)五個復(fù)試者都是班長,誰是排長?)

2) 俺是學(xué)生會主席:From 2005 to 2007, I was the president of Campus Painting Association, in charge of compiling rules of the association.(全是主席,哪是誰副主席?)

3) 俺積極參與了…:I’m also a participant of a wide range of campus activities.(您不是主席兼職班長嗎,怎么突然又成“跟班兒”了呢?)

4) 俺唱過紅歌:說這個只能說您經(jīng)?佳嗅t(yī)學(xué)全在線搜集整,理gydjdsj.org.cn,太不了解國內(nèi)時事了… sing the revolutionary songs

5) 做過村官給村長提過建議:這個嘛….,給縣委書記提建議還差不多,work as a village official, my job duty is to give professional advice to the village master(secretary in the County Committee)

6) 我的成績是全優(yōu):I got straight As. I study hard to keep an average GPA of 4.2 and a position within the top 3 percent of my class.(您不是全優(yōu)嗎?怎么平均分又4.2啦?前后不一致啊,選一句吧!)

7) 在英語演講比賽中得過一等獎:I won the First Prize in the English Speaking Contest.(即使是二等獎,那您的語音也得過得去吧?)

8) 三好學(xué)生:three good student是“三個好學(xué)生”的意思(單復(fù)數(shù)還用錯了)、姑且用Three Merits Student撮合著吧,其實用Excellent student誰都聽得懂。

9) 俺考碩士是為了獲得理論知識、培養(yǎng)分析問題解決問題的能力、或者職業(yè)知識:I apply for the Master Degree in order to obtain theoretical knowledge, improve independent thinking and get professional knowledge.(好像高考也可以這么說、本科也可以這么說、考博也可以這么說)

10) 俺要融入社會、得到機會、發(fā)展事業(yè):I want to fit into society, obtain opportunities, and further my career.(真實的想法是:我想買車、買房、找美女成家,可是你又沒法這么說。)

11) 俺想在這個大學(xué)學(xué)習(xí):最好別說I have a strong desire to study here,也別說To study here is my dream, 怎么聽怎么想“求您收下我吧”,不如說成:The competitive environment here will give me daily boost to the practical skills and professional knowledge.

12) 我比較喜歡:…is my favorite的效果不如…is my preference.




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