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1. My first job was a net supervisor in a small company. Although I worked there for only six months, I had wide experiences in 術(shù)語(yǔ). But I gradually focused on(術(shù)語(yǔ)). So I took part in the Red Hat Authorization test and passed it with honor. In 2010, I was accepted by the Information Department, China Unicom,in charge of專(zhuān)業(yè).

To be honest, this position brings me good salary and a promotion opportunity, however, I decided to apply for the Master of 術(shù)語(yǔ)… And that’s why I’m here. 2010年畢業(yè)在小公司做半年網(wǎng)管,考取紅帽中級(jí)認(rèn)證(Red Hat Authorization),經(jīng)過(guò)三輪面試,進(jìn)入中國(guó)聯(lián)通的信息化部錄用,系統(tǒng)維護(hù)工程師。工作努力、薪酬好、有提升機(jī)會(huì)、


辦法1)說(shuō)永遠(yuǎn)對(duì)的:Being open to new theories and new ideas is important, especially in telecommunications. Knowledge from field work tells others what you can do, but that from theoretical studies tells others how you’re inventive, creative and sensible. I think postgraduate studies at this university can give me a mental power and realistic approach.接受新的理論、新思想、新的挑戰(zhàn)是很重要的,所以準(zhǔn)備考研、工作中學(xué)習(xí)的知識(shí)來(lái)自經(jīng)驗(yàn),但是必須有理論的驗(yàn)證,才有繼續(xù)發(fā)展

辦法2:挑選一個(gè)熟悉的,用自己的經(jīng)歷簡(jiǎn)述:The cutting-edge technology focuses on 自己會(huì)的術(shù)語(yǔ). Its guideline is like this: A company needs a powerful machine, and wants to lower its cost. So as an engineer, I tried to put some out-of-date equipment and servers together. To do so, I had to use some integrated technology, for example, (用簡(jiǎn)寫(xiě)和代碼代替:VM, WWK and AMX). 現(xiàn)在的前沿技術(shù)是…,其基本設(shè)想為,公司處于成本節(jié)約,將一些即將淘汰的、低配置的設(shè)備或者服務(wù)器通過(guò)軟件技術(shù)以邏輯的形式進(jìn)行整合、以得到一臺(tái)功能強(qiáng)大的高性能計(jì)算機(jī),這樣做,就必須運(yùn)用合成技術(shù),如…

辦法3:不提理論,說(shuō)自己的職責(zé):The team had to work round the clock and checked it up from time to time. In this way, the whole system wouldn’t crash. Other feedback mechanism includes術(shù)語(yǔ)(如一些常用的設(shè)備或者零部件名稱(chēng):如servers, data base as well as hard disc)


直接說(shuō)“我不清楚”就可以了,別硬撐著:In this process, I’m in charge of the maintenance of servers. So my knowledge in 不熟悉的領(lǐng)域is limited. Sorry, it is difficult for me to say more. But I know that it is important, and it is my plan to keep track of its latest trend. In this way, I can improve my analytical thinking and problem-solving abilities, especially during my postgraduate studies.由于我在這個(gè)工作過(guò)程中主要負(fù)責(zé)服務(wù)器維,其他領(lǐng)域的知識(shí)有涉及,但是不熟悉,但是我也逐漸意識(shí)到它在專(zhuān)業(yè)中的重要性,尤其是在我讀研期間。


改專(zhuān)業(yè):I show keen interest in the law studies, the commercial and economic laws in particular, even though my major is Economics. You might ask me why, well, let’s tell you like this. Economics are too abstract, full of terms, far away from the real world. I don’t mean that economics is useless, and I don have nothing against it. But law studies seem more challenging, and promising for my future career. My plan is like this: start my work in a law firm and work as a lawyer so that I can try my best to help the clients, who they’re and where they’re from, whether they’re rich or poor. That’s why I made up my mind to change my major and applied for this law school. 我對(duì)法學(xué)感興趣,尤其是商法和經(jīng)濟(jì)法,盡管我的專(zhuān)業(yè)是經(jīng)濟(jì),您可能問(wèn)我為什么該專(zhuān)業(yè),嗯,這么說(shuō)吧,經(jīng)濟(jì)比較抽象,術(shù)語(yǔ)多,脫離現(xiàn)實(shí)世界。當(dāng)然我不是說(shuō)經(jīng)濟(jì)沒(méi)有用,對(duì)它也沒(méi)有偏見(jiàn)。不過(guò)我覺(jué)得法學(xué)更挑戰(zhàn)性,也更有前途:我的計(jì)劃是:在律所開(kāi)始我的工作,盡己所能幫助客戶(hù),無(wú)論他們是誰(shuí),來(lái)自哪里,是貧窮還是富有。所以我決定改專(zhuān)業(yè),申請(qǐng)法學(xué)院。



Good morning (afternoon), my dear professors.

I am much honored to be here for your interview. My name is …, 23 years old. City born and city bred, I come from PDS, the lovely hometown for me.

My undergraduate period has accomplished in July 2012. After graduated from the … Department of …University, I have been working in the …as a physician for about half a year. And now, I am trying my best for a key to your esteemed university.

Generally, in my view, I am a hard working student. Although my understanding on medicine was vague when I was accepted by a medical college four years ago, I knew that it was a serious subject and was closely related to human lives. So I worked hard to keep a high level of academic standards and won the scholarship several times.

During my internship (school) years, I show keen interest in many topics like internal medicine, especially Cardiology and Neurology (biotic experiments). They help me gain a deep understanding on a variety of medical issues, and heighten my ability to independently carry out medical cases (research).

Furthermore, I am open-minded, quick in thought and action. In my spare time, I have broad interests, such as reading, travelling, painting, playing the piano and guitar, sometimes entering for some challenging competitions.

During my junior year, I had engaged in the Contests of Commercial Planning, which demanded us to present our prospectus, publicize it in practical and debate with competitors. It helps me improve my communication skills and cultivates my good command of Microsoft Office System as well as other computer programs, Photoshop Iebook, for example.

Well, I am a person with great perseverance as well. When preparing for the first examination, I insist on doing exercises everyday, no matter what the weather was like. And just owing to this, I could keep fit and concentrate on my study.

At last, I am much appreciated to have an opportunity to work with many noted professors here and talented classmates. Thank you for listening.

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