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更新時間:2014/11/3 醫(yī)學考研論壇 在線題庫 評論


If given the choice, a great many people would change at least one aspect of their appearance. As is depicted in the drawing, a young lady is requesting a doctor to give her a straighter nose, bigger lips, smaller chin, slimmer figure, and so on. One option that has gained tremendous popularity in recent decades is plastic surgery, the panch of surgery dealing with therapeutic or cosmetic reformation of body issue.

Firstly, one’s appearance is the God’s blessing, and has been one part of our body. After peast enlargement surgery, many women look sexier than before. However, many of them are found mammary gland disease. The more serious effect is that they risk being unable to peast feed. Secondly, the advocating for such a practice will mislead people in the judgment of beauty. The concept of beauty is quite rich in its content. It should include many virtues like honesty, diligence, and so on, which should be the real mainstream of our spiritual life. The practice and some contests about man-made beauty will confuse those who are to develop correct concept of beauty.

Concerning the above possible harms the practice may ping about, we are strongly against it and advocate seeking true and natural beauty. Besides, people, especially women, should lay more attention on the cultivation of their inner hearts. The inner beauty outweighs the outside beauty in the long run.







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