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Writing (圖畫提綱式議論文)

  Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should first describe the drawing, then interpret its meaning, and give your comment on it.


  Testing students by examinations has long been regarded as a reliable way to assess students’ competence. But disproportionate emphasis on examinations has brought about terrible results. As is depicted in the picture, a schoolboy, frightened to death by examinations, huddles himself up under a desk, refusing to go to school. His parents are trying to comfort him, saying “Come out, there are no examinations today.”

  This drawing implies the harmful effect of examinations on children’s psyche. On the one hand, teachers tend to make use of different kinds of testing to force students to work hard at school. On the other hand, most parents think that school records are the sole criterion for judging the quality of a child’s work. It often happens that a child is punished heavily by his parents just because he does not do well in one examination or another. Therefore, pupils are extremely afraid of taking examinations.醫(yī)學全在線gydjdsj.org.cn

  As far as I’m concerned, examinations are an effective form of assessment if properly used. But teachers and parents should encourage pupils to concentrate on what they do well at school. And schools have an important duty to try to fit a child’s interest to his possible future career. On no account should they reckon examination as the only means of stimulating pupils to pursue knowledge. (218 words)







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