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更新時間:2014/8/22 醫(yī)學考研論壇 在線題庫 評論

the spirit of the congress 人大精神

put sb. to the best use 人盡其才

a full display of advantages in human resources 人力資源優(yōu)勢得到充分發(fā)揮

material and cultural needs of the people 人民的物質(zhì)文化需要

the people's democratic dictatorship 人民民主專政

upgrade the texture of life for the people 人民生活更加殷實

mass organizations 人民團體

the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) 人民政協(xié)

the trend of popular sentiment 人心向背

personnel exchanges 人員往來

treating each other with all sincerity 肝膽相照

the high degree of unity and solidarity 高度團結(jié)統(tǒng)一

a high degree of autonomy 高度自治醫(yī),學,全,在,線,提,供gydjdsj.org.cn

hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping theory 高舉鄧小平理論偉大旗幟

lofty character 高尚的品格

high-caliber leading cadres 高素質(zhì)的領(lǐng)導干部隊伍

shelve certain political disputes 擱置某些政治爭議

old revolutionary base areas 革命老區(qū)

all localities and departments 各地各部門

patriots from all walks of life 各界愛國人士

personages of all circles 各界人士

be well positioned, do their best and live in harmony 各盡其能、各得其所又和諧相處

the democratic parties 各民主黨派

people's organizations 各人民團體

attempts to split the Country 各種分裂圖謀

fundamental interests 根本利益

workers and farmers 工人農(nóng)民

the working class in China 工人階級隊伍

Federation of Industry and Commerce 工商聯(lián)

civil rights / civil liberties 公民權(quán)利、自由




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