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  1. Exceptional children are different in some significant way from others of the same age. For these children ________to their full adult potential, their education must be adapted to those differences.

  A. to develop B. to be developed C. developingD. will develop

  2. Space exploration promises to open up many new territories for human settlement, as well as _________the harvest of mineral resources.

  A. leads to B. to lead to C. leading to D. lead to

  3. Someday, solar power collected by satellites ________ the earth or fission power (裂變能)manufactured by mankind may give us all the gydjdsj.org.cn energy we need for an expanding civilization.

  A. circled B. to circle C. circling D.circles

  4. In this experiment, they are wakened several times during the night, and asked to report what they ________ .

  A.had just been dreaming B. are just dreaming

  C.have just been dreaming D. had just dreamt

  5. Her terror was so great ________ somewhere to escape, she would have run for her life.

  A. only if B. that there had only been

  C. that had there only been D. if there were only

  1. AFor these children to develop to their full adult potential在句中做目的狀語,these children 是to develop 的邏輯主語,這種主謂關(guān)系在目的狀語中一般是不能用分詞表示的。B中不定式被動(dòng)式與句意相悖;for不是連詞,故不能選D,否則語句不通。

  2. Cas well as 在語法功能上相當(dāng)于介詞,所以在句中要接動(dòng)名詞leading to。

  3. C句子的主語為solar power or fission power,謂語是may give, collected by satellite circling the earth是后置定語修飾solar power,其中circling the earth 又是現(xiàn)在分詞短語修飾satellite,“環(huán)繞地球的衛(wèi)星”,相當(dāng)于the satellite which circles the earth。其他選擇項(xiàng)均不符合句子語法結(jié)構(gòu)要求。

  4. C句中已給出頻次狀語several times,說明要用完成時(shí)態(tài),同時(shí)句子的時(shí)態(tài)定位是現(xiàn)在時(shí)they are wakened,顯然不能用過去完成時(shí),所以選C。

  5. C這是一個(gè)so…that結(jié)構(gòu)表示結(jié)果狀語的句型, A、D 可以排除。在that從句中又有條件從句,而且應(yīng)該是虛擬語氣結(jié)構(gòu)醫(yī)學(xué)全在,線gydjdsj.org.cn,B中沒有表示條件的連詞,是錯(cuò)誤的。C雖然也沒有連詞if,但采用了倒裝結(jié)構(gòu),可以將if省略,又是had done,表示與過去事實(shí)相反的假設(shè),時(shí)態(tài)、結(jié)構(gòu)完全正確,因此是惟一正確的選擇。

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