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  Writing (圖畫提綱式議論文)

  Directions: Study the picture carefully and write an essay of 160 -- 200 words in which you should

  1)depict the present situation of private cars in Beijing,

  2)offer reasons for or against owning private cars, and

  3)give your own opinion on the issue.



  With the living standards rising rapidly, more and more Beijing residents have cars of their own. Statistics show that in Beijing alone, there are 2500,000 cars, among which private cars add up to(=number) 1700,000. The increase in the number of cars brings about a lot of gydjdsj.org.cn problems, such as air pollution, noise, traffic congestion and gas shortage. Then a controversy arises: whether private cars should be encouraged in Beijing? People differ in their opinions on it.

  Many residents are against owning cars. According to them, private cars have to be limited in Beijing. The reasons for it are obvious. To begin with, cars contribute to air pollution. Beijing is now plagued by serious air pollution. If people are to have cars of their own, the already contaminated atmosphere will get even dirtier. Secondly, private cars can be a terrible threat to the already gydjdsj.org.cn heavy traffic in the city. If more cars are allowed onto busy streets, there will be more traffic jams, which is really a public hazard to all of us. Finally, cars consume a large amount of fuel. Though China is rich in its oil resources, they are running out rapidly. All these facts allow of only one solution: to limit the ever growing number of cars.

  In my opinion, private cars should be discouraged in Beijing. In order to leave clean air, wide and safe roads and abundant energy resources to our descendants, we have to say "No" to private cars. As far as the great demand for means of transport is concerned, we can develop mass transit to take the place of private cars. In short, Beijing does not need private cars.





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