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  (1)must have +過去分詞,表示對已發(fā)生情況的肯定推測,譯為“(昨天)一定……”。如:

  My pain must have been apparent the moment I walked into the room, for the first man I met asked sympathetically: “Are you feeling all right?”

  (2)cant/couldn’t have +過去分詞,表示對已發(fā)生情況的否定推測,譯為“(昨天)一定沒……”。 如:

  Mary couldn’t have received my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now.

  (3)may/might have +過去分詞醫(yī)學(xué)全在,線gydjdsj.org.cn,表示對已發(fā)生的事情做不肯定、可能性很小的推測,或事實上根本沒發(fā)生,譯為“也許……”。如:

  At Florida Power’s Crystal River plant, a potentially serious leakage of radioactive water may have been unknowingly caused by an electrician.


  (1)needn’t have+過去分詞,表示做了不必做的事,譯為“其實沒必要……”。如:

  As it turned out to be a small house party, we needn’t have dressed up so formally.

  (2)should /should not have +過去分詞,表示應(yīng)該做某事但實際上未做,或本不應(yīng)該做但實際上做了, 譯為“本(不)應(yīng)該……”。如:

  I regret having left the work unfinished; I should have planned everything ahead carefully.

  (3)ought to have+過去分詞,表示動作按理該發(fā)生了醫(yī)學(xué)全在,線gydjdsj.org.cn,但實際上未發(fā)生,譯為“該……”,與should的完成式含義類似。如:

  The porter ought to have called the fire-brigade as soon as he saw the fire in the stock, which went up in smoke.

  (4)could have+過去分詞,表示過去本來可以做但卻未做,譯為“完全可以……”。如:

  What you said is right, but you could have phrased it more tactfully.

  (5)may/might have + 過去分詞,表示過去可以做但實際未做,譯為“(那樣)也許會……”。如:

  It might have been better to include more punchy statistics and photos of equipment in the introduction to further assist first-time office automation managers.

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