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更新時間:2011/12/17 醫(yī)學考研論壇 在線題庫 評論


  It is generally believed that the heavy summer flooding resulted from the extensive deforestation. Experts argue that China must introduce a massive planting program to cope with this disaster. But I doubt whether this program alone will solve the problem.

  It is widely acknowledged that too much indulgence is prone to spoil the child and brings them no good.

  Currently/Recently/Nowadays/At the present/At the present stage/ there is a widespread/widely-held concern/opinion/ belief/ view that …

  Now people in growing number are coming to realize that…

  Recently the issue of … has been brought to public attention.

  One great man once mentioned that … Now more and more people share the belief.

  There is no denying / doubt that …

  Recently attention/stress has been placed/ laid upon …

  When asked about the question/matter/problem of… some/many/few/most people …

  Now it is generally/commonly / widely held / thought that…, but I wonder / doubt that…

  There is a heated discussion / debate/ controversy now about the issue of …

  The topic / issue / attitude of … is quite popular among …


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