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更新時間:2011/12/15 醫(yī)學考研論壇 在線題庫 評論

 社會風氣(公德):public morals (or morality)。

  有公德心:be public—spirited。

  向公眾呼吁做某事:appeal to the public to do sth.。

  在…方面教育公眾:educate the public in …。

  無視公共規(guī)章:disregard the public rules。

  遵守法紀: comply with the law。

  偷竊是違法的:Stealing is against the law。

  遵守公德:comply with public morality。

  守法: observe/obey the law。

  違法:offend against the law。

  違反公共規(guī)章:break/violate public regulations。

  她自以為可以凌駕法律之上:She acts as if she is above the law.

  制定和嚴格執(zhí)法:make and rigidly enforce the law。

  遵守交規(guī): observe traffic regulations。

  按道德行事:follow the morals。

  改進社會風氣:improve public morals。

  維護公共道德:safeguard public morals。

  損害公共道德:injure public morality。

  應該受到法律嚴懲:deserve to be punished heavily by the law。

  從他的行為中可以清楚看到,他不講道德:It is obvious from his behavior that he has no morality.


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