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It is generally believed that . . is a hot topic which is widely talked about both at home and abroad .Now our government attaches great importance to solving this problem.Scicntists in this field have put forward a number of suggestions tending to relieve it.To begin with,we should . . Furthermore, . . It is clear that . .

People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter. Some people think that . . According to them,all of us should . . Others argue that . . In their opinion,nobody can . . without . . There is no doubt that . . As a consequence . .

In short,I firmly support the view that . . It is because . . So my conclusion is that . . (107 words)


There is no denying the fact that … is popular topic which is much talked about not only by …, but also by … It is generally thought that … The reasons for … are as follows.To begin with, … Secondly , … Therefore,we should attach great significance to solving the problem.

There are , I think ,at least two possible ways to cope with it .The first way to tackle it is to appeal to the authorities to take drastic measures to (do) … The other policy that is worth adopting is to work out new regulations to (do) … Only in this way can we succeed in dealing with the problem in the near future.

To conclude ,it seems obvious … So the prospect we are looking forward to will be both bright and encouraging.(127 words)


As is shown in the table (or in the picutre) , … dropped from … in 1996 .According to the figures given in the table, … has greatly increased ( or decreased ) in the past … years ( or decades ), reaching … in 1996.From the table we can also see that there has been a sharp decline ( or rise ) in … It is clear that …

There are at least two good reasons for … On the one hand, … Let’s have an example to illustrate the great increase in … On the other hand, … is due to the fact that … In addition, … is responsible for … Maybe there are some other reasons to show … But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly acceptable.

As far as I am concerned, I believe that …… I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded.(126 words)


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