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36. The students were much encouraged _______ a chance to talk with the Americans in English.

A. to get

B. gotten

C. to have got

D. having got

37. When a person is in a happy frame of mind, he may agree on the thing that he won’t tolerate _______ when he is not in the right frame of mind.

A. doing

B. to do

C. done

D. to be done

38. Recently many schools have faced what could be called the crisis of comprehension or, in simple terms, the phenomenon of students with phonic and grammar skills still _______ unable to understand what they read.

A. are

B. to be

C. being

D. have been

39. I_______ the train but I overslept that morning.

A. could catch

B. might catch

C. must have caught

D. could have caught

40. It is very kind of you to do the washing-up, but you _______ it.

A. mustn’t have done

B. wouldn’t have done

C. mightn’t have done

D. didn’t have to do


36. C句中不定式表示原因: “學(xué)生有機(jī)會(huì)用英語(yǔ)與美國(guó)人交談,很受鼓舞。” 所以應(yīng)用不定式完成式。如果句子用的是一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)are, 那么選A是對(duì)的。

37. Atolerate要求動(dòng)名詞做賓語(yǔ), 只能選A。

38. C動(dòng)名詞being 做students 的邏輯謂語(yǔ), 相當(dāng)于…students… being unable to understand what they read。整個(gè)動(dòng)名詞短語(yǔ)做of的賓語(yǔ),所以只能選C。

39. D這是一個(gè)含蓄虛擬條件句,前半部分假設(shè),后半部分真實(shí),因此應(yīng)選could have caught,意為“我本來(lái)能趕上火車(chē)的,可是那天早上我睡過(guò)頭了”。區(qū)別這類(lèi)含蓄虛擬條件句的關(guān)鍵詞是but。

40. Ddidnt have to do it“不用非得洗(碗)”,符合句意。

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