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更新時間:2007/5/30 醫(yī)學考研論壇 在線題庫 評論




文章結構:一枝獨秀型。本文的核心概念是殘疾兒童(exceptional children)的教育。由于本文是一篇社會科學方面的文章,所以閱讀時還要注意作者對核心概念的態(tài)度:要讓殘疾兒童充分發(fā)展自己的潛能,必須調整對他們的教育,以適應他們與正常兒童的差異。然后作者指出重視殘疾兒童的教育這一點反映了美國傳統(tǒng)的價值觀念---教育機會平等以及一種新思潮的出現。醫(yī)學全在.線網站gydjdsj.org.cn



1. exceptional 殘疾的;例外的,異常的(名詞exception 除外,例外)

2. significant重大的,明顯的;重要的(名詞significance)

3. potential 潛能,潛力 ; a. 潛在的,可能的

4. adapt  (to)(使)適應;改編

5. capture 捕獲;奪取

6. supporting player 配角

7. scenery 舞臺布景;風景

8. the key to …的關鍵

9. full expression 充分表達

10. understanding 認知,理解;通情達理的

11. pass on to 傳遞給

12. weakness 缺點(反義詞strength)

13. prejudice 偏見;v. 損害

14. deserve 應該獲得

15. capability 能力;技能(形容詞capable)

16. democratic 民主的(= demo(人民)+crat(統(tǒng)治)+ic(的))

17. denote 表示,代表(同根詞note、notice---not表明)

18. interpret 解釋,說明;口譯

19. to the limit of 達到…的極限

20. capacity 能力,容量(形容詞capacious容量大的,寬敞的)

21. modify 改變,修改(名詞mode模式)

22. substantially 真正地,實質地(名詞substance)

*             *                *

23. exert influence over 對…產生影響,給…施加影響(exert 施加,盡力)



1. Exceptional children are different in some significant way from others of the same age. For these children to develop to their full adult potential, their education must be adapted to those differences.

[結構分析] 第一個句子的基本結構是Exceptional children are different…from…,其中in some significant way(在一些重要的方面)說明different的體現;第二個句子的前半部分For these children to develop to their full adult potential(要讓殘疾兒童充分發(fā)展自己的潛能)表示目的,作狀語。注意:第一句中的exceptional children在文章開始出現時意思不太明確,但是從文章后半部分可以看出是指“殘疾兒童”。

[參考譯文] 異常兒童(指殘疾兒童)與同齡兒童相比有許多重大的不同。為使這些兒童的全部潛力得到開發(fā),教育必須適應他們的不同需要。

2.While the leading actor on the stage captures our attention, we are aware of the importance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself.


[參考譯文] 盡管舞臺主角吸引我們的注意力,我們也意識到舞臺配角和場景的重要性。

3.And it is in the public schools that we find the full expression of society’s understanding—the knowledge, hopes, and fears that are passed on to the next generation.

[結構分析] 本句是一個強調句,被強調的部分是in the public schools;破折號之后的部分the knowledge, hopes, and fears是understanding(認知)的同位語,后面的that引導的定語從句修飾the knowledge, hopes, and fears。

[參考譯文] 而且正是在公立學校中我們找到了社會理解的全面體現---傳授給下一代的知識、希望和恐懼。

4.The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities.

[結構分析] 本句的主干是“The great interest... indicates the strong feeling...”,其中主語是the great interest,后面的in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades作the great interest的定語;賓語是the strong feeling ,后面的that引導一個同位語從句that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities,其中whatever their special conditions修飾all citizens,作狀語,閱讀時可以先跳過去。

[參考譯文] 過去30年中公共教育對異常兒童所表現出來的巨大關注表明了存在于我們社會中的那種強烈感受,即所有公民,不管有什么特殊情況,都應該獲得充分發(fā)展其能力的機會。

5.That concept implies educational opportunity for all children—the right of each child to receive help in learning to the limits of his or her capacity, whether that capacity be small or great.

[結構分析]本句的主干在破折號之前,破折號之后的部分解釋前面的educational opportunity for all children的具體內容,其中whether 引導的讓步狀語從句使用了虛擬語氣(在虛擬語氣中用be是美國英語的用法)。to the limits of的意思是“達到…的極限”。

[參考譯文] 這一概念暗示所有兒童都應享有教育機會——每個兒童,無論自身能力大小,都有權在盡其所能的學習中接受幫助。

6.In response, schools are modifying their programs, adapting instruction to children who are exceptional, to those who cannot profit substantially from regular programs.

[結構分析] 本句的主干是schools are modifying their programs,現在分詞結構adapting…to…, to…(使…適應…)作狀語,其中又包含兩個定語從句 :who are exceptional(修飾children)和who cannot profit substantially from regular programs(修飾those, 指children),而第二個定語從句前的to those是adapting instruction to those的省略。

[參考譯文] 作為反應,學校正在改變課程安排,使學校授課能夠適應異常兒童的需要,能夠適應那些無法從正常課程中實際獲益的兒童的需要。

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