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更新時間:2006/12/23 醫(yī)學考研論壇 在線題庫 評論




  1. 提出投訴內(nèi)容;

  2. 說明具體情況;

  3. 提出解決辦法。

  Suppose you bought a woolen scarf(圍巾) by mail order but later found a hole in it. Write a letter of complaint to describe that matter and require settlement. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.

  To whom it may concern,

  The woolen scarf I bought by mail order from your company arrived on time the day before yesterday. But when I checked it, I found a hole in the middle. I was astonished because the hole was obvious and I did not think you should neglect this deficiency when you delivered it. I have dialed your service number for several times and it was always busy.

  Now this problem keeps worrying me. Can you change a new one for me as soon as possible? How shall I send this scarf back to you? Thanks for your consideration.

  I am looking forward to your early reply.

  Yours faithfully,

  Li Ming



  Write a letter to complain about an unhappy experience in about 100 words to describe the matter and ask for the mistake to be corrected. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “Li Ming” instead.

  Dear Sir,

  I am writing to you about a most unhappy experience. Last Tuesday morning, we took a longroute bus of your company from Dukou to Lijiang. The bus was scheduled to arrive in Lijiang at 7 o’clock in the evening, but it stopped midway at four p.m. for mechanical problems. The driver and the ticket seller could neither solve the problem by themselves nor seek help from others.

  Where we stopped was nowhere near a village. Up until 8 o’clock, another bus finally carried us to a shabby rural motel. We had to pay for our accommodation. The room was too small and the quilt was so dirty. To our surprise, when we just managed to sleep at around 2 a.m., the driver came to wake us up—the bus had been fixed!

  I suggest that you look into this matter immediately and deal with it quickly and properly.

  Looking forward to your reply.


  Li Ming

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